14. First

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note: smut alert


June's POV


"Shut up, Adrienne. I do not keep a sex diary, it's just a normal diary. My parents are blowing it way out of proportion," I rushed out as I tried focusing on my calculus book. I turned my head away to make sure Adrienne didn't see how much I was blushing, and my eyes wandered over to the lone bookshelf that was holding the culprit in question across the room.

So much for my diary being out in the open, I bet my parents purposefully looked for it and read it while I was away at school. Fuck, it was so embarrassing that they mentioned that Adrienne was in it a lot. It's not like I obsessed over the brunette, but lately, she happened to be in a lot of my diary entries because she stressed me the fuck out.

And now I had to handle with my stupid parents.

Shoot, they were probably going to tell Addison and Blaire the next time they came over, and I definitely would not hear the end of it. Why couldn't my parents just grow up?

For middle-aged real estate agents, they sure acted as if they were still in high school. It's as if they lived to meddle in my life, which is why I kept it a secret most of the time.

Now I had to explain to them how I didn't like girls, I just happened to really like and hate Adrienne at the same time.

Her smirk made my heart almost melt as she poked me in the ribs, "Come on, let me read it. Aren't I the main subject?" I moved out of the way as I took my calculus notebook and swatted her firmly on the head. "Hey! Don't take it out on me, you're the one that decided to write your dirty thoughts on paper..."

This time she rolled over closer to me, her arm wrapping itself around me so I wouldn't be able to hit her again. I took a deep breath as I tried to calm my nerves down. They were still on red alert from my parents pestering me about my sexuality and love life in front of the main person that made me question those things.

"Adrienne, shut up before I kick you out of my room."

She cocked an eyebrow, "I'm cool with that, then I could chill with your parents-"

My eyes widened as I imagined my parents pulling out the baby pictures in the den and showing Adrienne all the naked pictures of me as a baby. What was even worse was the fact that Adrienne was probably going to equally make fun of me by telling stories of how we met at those parties...

I shook my head angrily at the thought, "No! It's fine. You can stay here."

"Thought so," she grinned as she leaned in to kiss my cheek.


Adrienne's POV


It was hard to believe that June's parents were so relaxed and carefree, while the younger blonde was so uptight over little things. I mean, she was tight in general, but I wasn't going to get that dirty with it.

When I leaned over to kiss her cheek, I felt my heartbeat pick up from the proximity between us. But, surprisingly, at the last minute she tilted her head at an angle where my lips touched hers. My eyes opened in surprise as I felt how soft her lips were against mine. She tasted the same as I've always kissed her before, making me feel safe and electrified as I tried to deepen to kiss, waiting for her to push me away as she usually did.

The blonde let out a soft moan, giving me permission to slide my tongue into her mouth, tasting her even further as I cupped her cheek in my hand. I pushed myself closer to her, feeling the springs of her notebook make small indents in my arm until I shoved it off the bed completely. To follow, I moved the calculus book out of the way so I could comfortably flip the blonde onto her back.

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