BONUS TWO - Dear Diary ...

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note: Hey! if you really liked I Hate You ... read my new story - Not You Again - It's basically going to be the same premises as I Hate You, but with different characters and a slightly different scenario. I promise you won't be disappointed. 

Other than that, enjoy this bonus chapter...

note: no actual smut ... but this is JUNE'S ___ Diary, yep, beware. 

LOL - enjoy




Dear Diary,

I fucking hate Adriene Andrews. She's such a disgusting idiot.

Today, she had the audacity of calling me and Blaire out for not doing drills in volleyball today. Was I not allowed to talk to my best friend - my teammate during practice? Plus, I was definitely doing those drills, if anything, I was probably doing them better than her idiotic ass.

You know what's even worse? She has the audacity to think that she's so much higher up than everyone because she's smart, rich, and hot.

Wait, diary, I'm not complimenting her - I'm merely reiterating what the school thinks about the ho.

She's an ugly troll.

To top it off, I walked in on her with her face between Melanie Canon's legs! In the locker room! How fucking dirty is that? I mean, how often do the janitors actually scrub the locker rooms? Plus, who does that kind of thing in school?

I'm just saying, the world would be so much better without Adrienne Andrews.

P.S. I kinda watched them... I wonder how it feels?

P.P.S. Party this weekend, I'll keep you posted.


Dear Diary,

I don't think I should drink anytime soon, also Adrienne is a cheating slut.

The party was actually really fun until I was pulled into a stupid shot-drinking contest with some football players. And guess who my opponent was? Yup, you got it right - Adrienne fucking Andrews.

Also, the bitch cheated by knocking over my last shot glass! How dare she? Was she really that petty to not let me rise to victory in a stupid shot drinking contest?

And, some guy locked us in a room together after I attacked her bitch ass. (She deserved it, I swear.)

But, diary... so, I might have accidentally called her a dyke, which yeah, I already know that was totally uncalled for. I actually wish I took it back, because now that I'm thinking about it, it's definitely not an appropriate word for any matter at all. It's just that I was so drunk and so mad at her, it just sorta rushed out.

But holy shit, diary. I... I don't even know how to explain what happened next. Well, I guess I do know how to explain it, I just really can't believe it.

After we fought and yelled at each other, Adrienne disclosed that the last party I went to, I might've been a bit too drink and let her dance - or possibly touch me? I don't think anything happened, but she definitely tossed that in my face.

Furthermore, Adrienne kissed me.

And she didn't just kiss me, kiss me - it was a hard, rough kiss that sent electricity and tingles throughout my body. I've never felt this way before, and I was definitely shocked that it was with Adrienne Andrews. I'm definitely not proud of it at all, plus, I don't even like girls.

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