25. Truth

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Adrienne's POV


What the fuck was I doing?

Why was I so hell bent at making June hate me? Why was the fact that she said "I love you" so detrimental to my well-being? Why didn't I respond to her? Why didn't I talk to her about it?

Why did I have to be myself?

All of these questions ran through my head during practice today. I watched the blonde finish up her daily laps with exhaustion clearly etched on her face.

I was such an idiot! Why did I call her a "used thing" after class today? Why was I using all of these girls to get over a girl that meant the world to me?

There were so many "why's" in my mind at the moment, but there weren't enough "hows" to conclude this problem.

How was I going to get her back? How was I going to make her not hate me again?

But was I going to get her back? Was I ready to embrace the idea of commitment with the pretty blonde and throw away all of my years of vowing to not get to someone?

I shook my head, throwing the ball high up in the air for one of my teammates to practice setting.

It was definitely too late now. The look June had on her face after class today was deadly, and if I thought she hated me before we started hooking up, well, I was certainly in for a new realm of hurt and hate that she was about to throw my way.

After finishing up practising our sets, and the rest of the players finishing up their daily laps, Coach and I decided to end practice early. Once everyone started to head towards the locker room to grab their things, I gulped upon entering, my eyes meeting June's spandex-clad ass as she bent over to find something in her locker. I frowned, spreading my fingers apart as I remembered how soft her skin felt against mine, or how when we cuddled how warm her body emanated onto me.

I turned my head away, not wanting her to catch me staring as I hurriedly walked over to my locker on the other side of the room. I was too much of a pussy to confront her in the locker room with all these witnesses - which was probably a good thing, considering I needed some if June was going to murder me in broad daylight.

But fuck, what the hell was I going to do about Riley? Was I really about to let her steal my girl?

Or, I suppose, the girl that I ruined my relationship with.

By letting June go, I literally just opened up a good opportunity for Riley to take her away from me forever. It could also permanently damage my years of friendship with Riley, making it end because of some girl we both mutually liked.

But did June like her back? She certainly didn't cringe away from Riley's hug, or the way her armed snaked around the shorter blonde's slim waist.

I didn't know what I'd do if I found out if the two were actually dating instead.

I grabbed my clean clothes from my locker, as well as my towel and toiletries as I headed over to the shower area. I chose a stall in the far back, wanting to be left alone or dragged into an unwanted conversation between my teammates. I stripped once inside the stall, hanging my dirty clothes up and turning the hot water on, embracing the immediate steam and sting of the high temperature water against my skin.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I ran my hands through my wet hair. I tried forgetting all about the frustrating blonde as I washed away all my thoughts, closing my eyes and trying to enjoy my shower.


My skin was really pruney, because I stayed in the shower for a full half hour. I didn't realize how fast time flew by until the hot water wavered in temperature in the locker room. Once I washed and dried myself off, I looked at my phone to see how late it was. I scrambled back to my locker once fully clothed, realizing that everyone had already left for home.

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