18. Speed Along

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Addison's POV


"Yeah so, as much as I'd like to find out where this bitch is going...I absolutely do not feel comfortable stalking a black car just to find out if Riley is actually dating somebody." Blaire said uneasily as she clutched her seatbelt, while I whipped around a corner doing forty miles per hour in order to catch up to these bitches.

"Sh, we're going this for June!" I yelled out as I slowed down to trail behind the mysterious black car. My heart was racing as I felt like we were in some crazy car chase or spy movie, minus the fact that we were stalking our best friend's hookup's best friend.

"We are most definitely not doing this for June. Her crazy ass would never do this!" My freckled friend rushed out as I shook my head in disagreement.

"Naw, June's crazy. She'd do this shit in a heartbeat, remember the Thai restaurant?" We were stopped at a red light, the black car not noticing that we were following them as I squinted to see the faint outlines of Riley and her "girlfriend" in the front seat.

"Yeah, but you are breaking all the speeding laws in order to catch up to this car. You said we were just going on a coffee run!" She complained while I gripped the steering wheel tighter in anticipation.

"That was before I saw Riley get into the car," I replied and pressed on the gas when the car in front of me moved forward in the presence of a green light. "Hey, can you pass the Bit O'Honeys?"

Incredulously, Blaire stared at me before she opened the glove department to see a four-pound bag of old-school candy. "Why the hell do you have such a big bag of Bit O'Honeys in your car?"

I squinted at her then stuck my tongue out at her, "Why don't you have a four-pound bag of candy in your car?"

The blonde waved me off as she unwrapped a piece of candy to shove into my mouth. Relishing the flavor, I annoying munched on it while she stared at me in utter-gross-horror.

"And how the hell do you know if that's her girlfriend? What if that's her mom picking her up from a coffee shop?" My face fell as I thought about that idea, my foot on the gas lifting somewhat while I looked straight ahead at the black car.

"Huh. You have a valid point, Blaire." I mumbled while her eyes narrowed and she gave me a dirty look.

"You're still going to follow them, aren't you?"

My lips exploded in a grin, "Of course, wow, Blaire you know me so well!" I yelled out in excitement as I heard her groan in the seat next to me.

After a few minutes of following her, they finally pulled up into a house while I parked secretly in the driveway right by the house. Blaire gave me "really?" look until I pushed her down in her seat so we could secretly spy on the two.

In silence, I peered over the side of my window as Riley got out of the passenger seat. Seconds later, the same brunette I saw pick her up from practice exit the car. My eyes narrowed as I watched her grab Riley's hand casually before leaning in towards the blonde to kiss her on the lips.

My heart dropped at the interaction and I groaned out loud when I heard Blaire giggle.

I heard Blaire whisper directly behind me, "You owe me ten bucks."

I rolled my eyes and shoved my hand in my pocket to chuck the crumpled up ten dollar bill I promised her if Riley actually was with somebody. I never believed her just because she was totally acting sketchy around Adrienne.

I turned my head back towards the two as they were still lip-locked in the driveway. I sat back in my seat and wondered what June would say when I told her this piece of information.

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