9. Riley

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June's POV


"To be honest, she kinda looks constipated," Blaire whispered with a giggle as we watched Addison warm up before her singles tennis match. We both spoke in low, hushed whispers as we sat on the bystander's bench, hoping that no one (especially Addy) would hear our criticisms.

I took a sip out of my water bottle, feeling the sun's rays surround the two of us. I looked over at my black-haired friend, seeing that she was struggling in the heat and moving around as if a joystick was up her ass.

"Sh, she's probably so nervous. It's her first match seeded as third singles," I murmured back as Addy looked at us with narrowed eyes. As if on cue, Blaire and I gave her supportive waves before breaking out in giggles. The girl she was playing against gave us a pointed look to shut up, until she accidentally got smacked in the head with Addy's tennis ball.

"Sorry!" She yelled as the girl waved it off as in she was okay. They continued warming up by hitting the ball back and forth as we both checked our phones.

"Damn, I should've brought a flask," I said as I stood up from the bench stretching.

"June, it's four in the afternoon." Blaire replied as she also stood up, both of us going towards to fence to get a better look at Addy.

"Whatever, I need a drink," I mumbled as my mind thought about what happened the other day at Starbucks with Adrienne. I chewed on the inside of my lip as I thought about the multiple kisses we shared together.

"If you say so," she paused as she let out a smirk, "you thinking about Adrienne?"

I whipped my head towards Blaire, glaring at her for bringing up the unwanted subject. "No," I harshly said as I tried focusing on Addison's swing.

She cocked an eyebrow as she tapped on the side of the fence rail, "You know, we're all friends. You haven't verbally told Addy or me that you like...girls." My mouth dropped open in reply, completely dumbfounded that she wanted to bring this matter up.

"I don't like girls." I muttered as I thought about how Adrienne's lips felt so soft against mine. I sighed, did I like girls? "Okay, maybe I'm attracted slightly to girls." I finally let out as Blaire grinned in approval.

"Knew it." Blaire made a fist pump to get Addy's attention, mouthing to her across the court, "June likes girls." My eyebrows scrunched together in surprise as I hit Blaire on the back of her neck.

God, they were annoying.

"Hey!" The blonde yelled as Addy started to giggle in the middle of the court. I watched as her opponent gave her another dirty look, but Addy just shrugged as they got ready to start the match.

Addison started to walk towards the fence to take a swig of Powerade. "So, you finally fessed up, huh buttercup?" I just gave her a blank look as she high-fived Blaire over the fence. How often did they talk about my sexuality behind my back?

"Shut up, Addy. We'll talk about this after your tennis match...you're kinda playing like shit." I retorted as she gave me an eye roll.

"I knowww, it's because I haven't had any sugar yet." I narrowed my eyes at her as I watched her kneel on the ground, unzipping her duffel bag as she took out a whole bag of cotton candy. Blaire and I just stared at her in amazement as she opened the bag and stuffed fluffy clouds of sugar into her mouth while occasionally sipping on her Powerade.

"Aye, give me some," Blaire said as Addy handed her the bag over the fence. The blonde also started to stuff her face as they both turned towards me. "You better not bail, we're your best friends. We kinda wanna know more about this weird Adrienne situation you've got going on."

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