7. Let's Go!

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June's POV


"Okay, look- I'm sorry for earlier, I don't know why I called you a whore," I started off as the light-headed girl winced when I swore. "But for real, I'm sorry. I was trying to take it out on Adrienne." I crossed my arms as I watched Samantha twiddle her thumbs together out of nervousness.

"It's okay," She murmured as I looked her up and down. She was wearing our school's colors, except that since she was on the cheerleading team, she wore a dark green cheer skirt with a tight, black cheer top. It wasn't my fault that I thought she was flirting with Adrienne, I heard the cheerleaders were known for getting around at Kingsley.

Also, that wasn't an admittance to me liking Adrienne! (I wasn't jealous either,- maybe.) I wasn't sure what I was feeling right now, and it sure didn't help that all during practice Adrienne was making the whole team do unnecessary drills. I was only able to catch the familiar light-brown headed girl as they exited their gym after their practice.

"It's not okay, I'm sorry if I upset you. It'll never happen again." I kept going, trying to make this girl stop being a nervous wreck before another blonde cheerleader came over.

Or I guess, skipped over?

"HEYA SAM!" She shrieked as she attacked the skittish girl from behind, instantly ruffling up the girl's hair in a choke hold, like how an older sibling would do their little sister.

"Ergh, Hi Alexis." She breathed out in a panic before letting out a giggle when Alexis let go of her. In response, the blonde leaned over and pinched her cheek briefly.

"You were so cute in practice today!" Sam swatted her hand away while I stared at the two of them dumbfounded. Why were cheerleaders so weird? I stared at the girl named Alexis, her long blonde hair was almost to her waist, and her cheer uniform was modified to make the skirt and shirt significantly shorter. How could she get away with that?

"Um, I didn't really do anything special in practice," Sam mumbled as she looked between Alexis and me.

"Pfft. You're always cute!" The girl basically yelled as she took a strand of Sam's hair to tuck behind her ear. Were they a couple?

"Yeah- so, I'm gonna go-" I started to say and back away. Instantly, the blonde's attention went over to me as I froze when he eyes narrowed at me.

"Who's this cutie over here?" She said with pursed lips as she looked me up and down.

"Uh, excuse me?" I said as she detached herself from Sam to lean closer to examine my face.

"You're hot, let's bang, can I get your number?" She inquired boldly as she already took her phone out from the backside of her skirt. My mouth hung open at the audacity of her boldness. What the hell was happening right now?

I looked over to Samantha, who was donning a beet red face as she stared at her friend in embarrassment.

"Alexis! This is June, she was just apologizing to me about an incident that happened earlier." Oh god, and now she was going to bring her friend into this? I desperately looked around to see if any of my teammates were still leftover in the gym, but to no avail, I couldn't see anyone I recognized.

The blonde's brown eyes narrowed again, but instead of flirting with me, I could see that they started to darken in anger. "Apologize for what? What incident? Sam, are you okay?" She looked between the two of us while she put her phone away, her hand leaning against her hip, ready for us to explain what was happening.

"She may have accidentally called me a - wh-" Sam started to stutter out as we both stared at her blankly. Was she really not wanting to say whore?

Alexis raised her eyebrow at Sam, "What are you trying to say Sam?"

"Wh- ho- ho"

Alexis started to laugh as she grabbed Samantha by the shoulder, "Are you trying to say whore?"

Samantha nodded in agreement while we both watched Alexis double over in laughter, tears almost leaking out of her eyes from her laughter.

That was until she stopped mid-laugh to stand straight up, her posture stiff as she glared into my eyes. "Wait. You called Sam a whore?"

My eyes widened at the sudden mood change, as I put my hands up in defense, in case this crazy bitch started to throw hands at me or something.

"Look- I apologized, and I was just leaving-" I slowly backed away, not wanting this situation to escalate.

"What's up guys?" I jumped up in surprise when I turned around to see Adrienne casually walking into this warzone. She bobbed her head up when she saw Alexis and Sam, "Hi, Sam. Hi, Alexis," she paused to look over at me and to give me a smirk, "Hi June."

I didn't think I've ever been this happy to see Adrienne in my life. I walked up right next to her to hide from the taller cheerleader before me.

"Hi, Adrienne!" Sam awkwardly waved.

"Oh, hey! I haven't seen you in a while!" Alexis piped up, forgetting that she was about to kill me, as she closed the distance between Adrienne and her by kissing her full on the lips. Both Samantha and I's mouths fell open as we watched Alexis kiss Adrienne firmly on the lips, with the latter not kissing her back, but not pushing her away either.

I couldn't help but feel a tinge of anger flow through my body as I started to grit my bottom teeth together. Who did this girl think she was?

After a few seconds, Alexis stepped away from a relaxed looking Adrienne. I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to look for any evidence on her face to see if she enjoyed the kiss.

"Yeah, I guess it's been awhile," Adrienne shrugged it off as Alexis started to walk back to Sam.

The blonde rolled her eyes as she grabbed Samantha's backpack from her shoulders to put on her own, "Duh. Like a couple months, you should call me for a hook up sometime." She winked as Adrienne laughed and Sam protested to Alexis holding her backpack for her.

"Hold up- you two hooked up before?" I blurted out as Alexis looked over to me while she was getting Samantha's backpack comfortable on her shoulders.

"Duh, Adrienne is so hot...Hold up, I was about to beat your ass for calling my best friend a whore!" She started up again as she made a move towards me. I let out a little shriek before running behind Adrienne, grabbing the back of her shoulders for support. I ignored the feeling of being electrocuted by touching Adrienne's shoulders.

"Woah, Woah. What's wrong?" Adrienne stopped Alexis from getting closer while Samantha weakly tugged on the blonde's elbow.

"She called Samantha a whore!" She let out as I could feel her dark brown eyes glare at me as I peeked over Adrienne's shoulder. I could feel Adrienne sigh as she looked behind me, I rolled my eyes because I could see the corner of her lips turn into a smile.

"Oh, that situation. Did you apologize, June?" Adrienne said to me with a smug face.

"I did!" I wanted to slap the shit out of her smug looking face.

Alexis looked back towards Sam and raised an eyebrow, "Oh, she apologized?" All the anger in her face disappeared once Sam nodded in agreement. "Oh! You guys should've told me that!" I rolled my eyes and I moved away from Adrienne. These fucking cheerleaders were batshit crazy.

Sam smacked her forehead in annoyance and grinned at her actions because she actually could tell that this situation was just stupid. "I was trying to tell you that, but then you tried fighting her, Alexis." She muttered as Alexis took her phone out again.

"Oh, oops. Sorry," she apologized as she handed me her phone. I gave her a strange look as I held her iPhone in my hands, noticing that the contact information was already brought up.

"What's this?" I muttered.

"Oh, give me your number. I was serious, let's bang." Alexis said with a wink as Adrienne started to laugh beside me. I opened my mouth slightly in outrage. What was wrong with this girl?

Before I could reply, Sam grabbed Alexis' phone from my hands and started to attempt to drag Alexis away from us. "Alexis! Come on, we've already wasted time. Jason is waiting for us!" The blonde sighed in defeat as she looked over at Samantha with whipped puppy dog eyes. I was so confused, one moment she wants to kill me then "bang me", the next moment she kisses Adrienne, and now it looked like she liked this girl?

I was so glad I didn't go into cheerleading.

"Ugh, fine." Alexis muttered as Sam successfully dragged her away, but only with the blonde throwing an air kiss my way. I blinked in confusion at what all just happened.

All I wanted to do was apologize to the girl.

Once they were out of our sights, I suddenly felt Adrienne's muscular arms wrap around my waist. My body stiffened in response as I tried pulling away from her, but her grip was too tight for me to get away.

"Well, that was fun," she said sarcastically as I felt her hot, minty breath on my neck. I bit my lip, recognizing the same fire that I had the night before with her. Was I this sexually frustrated that I was willing to stoop below to people like Adrienne?

"Shut up, and let go of me." I growled out as Adrienne obliged and took a step back from me. I rolled my eyes at the smirk she had on her face as her grey eyes stared into mine.

"Come on, you could at least thank me," She cheekily replied.

"For what?!" I yelled out in exasperation. I just wanted to get the hell out of this gym already.

"You've gotta admit, I did mediate Alexis' attention elsewhere before she was about to beat your ass." She said cockily as her eyebrows danced in reply.

"What? By having her stick her tongue down your throat?"

She shrugged, "It didn't mean anything. Alexis tends to flirt a lot," she paused and grinned at me, "What, you jealous?"

"I am not!" I huffed out as I started to walk away from her.

Unfortunately, she followed suit as I tried ignoring her snide "me being jealous" comments over my shoulder. Once I exited the school, I desperately tried remembering where I parked my car, and groaned when I realized that I was in the last lane due to getting to school late this morning.

"June! Admit it! You were jealous!" She laughed behind me as I pressed my lips together in anger. Why couldn't she just leave me alone?

"You were jealous of Sam, that's why you called her a whore, and now you were jealous over Alexis because she kissed me!" Adrienne taunted as I gave in to the temptation of wanting to hit Adrienne.

I turned around to try swatting at the idiot, but she easily dodged it. I groaned out in annoyance as I finally reached my maroon Audi. I fumbled with my duffel bag to grab my keys for my car, but once I unlocked it to open the door, it quickly slammed shut with Adrienne's hand.

Before I could protest, the dark-haired girl trapped me between my car and her by having her hands flat on the siding of my car. My breath hitched a bit when I realized how close our bodies were pressing together. Instead of feeling frustrated or annoyed, I gulped, feeling an undeniable desire to lean in to kiss Adrienne. That feeling instantly faded away as I remembered that Adrienne was just trying to use and provoke me for her sick fuckgirl needs.

I also hated her!

"Get off me!" I hissed out as I backed my head away to avoid getting close to her. I tried squirming out of her hold and unlocking the door, but she instead grabbed my left hand and firmly placed it beside my head, trapping me securely against the car.

Of course she didn't listen to me, but instead, Adrienne leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I couldn't breathe for a second as I felt her lips move against mine, my mouth suddenly not understanding how to kiss back as I simply just stared at her face while she kissed me.

I pushed down all of my hatred for this stupid bitch, and began to kiss her back as I opened my mouth slightly to have her tongue slip inside my mouth. Her tongue lightly trailed against the roof of my mouth before tangling itself with mine. I moaned out slightly, letting her control the situation while my mind yelled at my body for doing such a stupid thing.

I closed my eyes as I pressed myself against her, slowly sucking on her tongue as she held me closer. Before things started to heat up, I felt disappointed as Adrienne leaned back away from me to end the kiss.

I stared into her grey eyes closely, seeing that they were darkening with lust and her eyelids were hooded over as she stared into my face. I looked down to see that her mouth curved into a smile, exposing those really cute dimples of hers. Wait, what was I saying? What was I doing!

My body started to stiffen from panic as my mind registered what I was doing - or more over, what I was doing with a certain person that I hated.

Yet, before I could argue or kick Adrienne off, she leaned back in to kiss me on the nose quickly. I blinked in surprise at her actions as I stared at her.

"Go out with me?" She said seriously as she kept looking at my face.

I blinked again, "Are you asking me out on a date?"

She blinked back, "Yes?"

This time, I pushed her off me as I huffed out in irritation. "No," I mumbled as I tried unlocking my car again, ignoring the heat that was not calming down between my legs.

"No?" She inquired as she scratched the back of her head. She leaned in to close my car door again once I was able to open it and I groaned out loud in annoyance.

"Could you stop doing that!" I yelled out as I gave her a side glare. I didn't trust myself looking at her full on the face again, I had to admit - I really wanted to kiss her again.

Fuck, I wanted to do more than kissing.

But, I would never let her know that.

"Not unless you agree to go on a date with me," she stated as she raised a trimmed eyebrow at me. Why did she always have to look so perfect?

"I said no."

"How about a movie?" She sarcastically said as she ran her fingers through her dark, straight hair.

"No, plus a movie is considered a date." I rolled my eyes as I tried unlocking my door again with my keys.

However, Adrienne quickly snatched them out of my hands as she showily twirled them in her hands. My mouth went dry as I remembered what she could do with those fingers of hers.

Shut up June!

I really had to get my shit together.

"Ice cream?" She inquired as she moved her hand out of the way when I tried grabbing the keys from her. Damn her!


"Brunch?" She smirked.

I rolled my eyes again, "I am not playing this game with you, Adrienne."

It was her turn to roll her eyes at me, "Pfft. We started playing this game the minute you danced on me at that party."

"And now, I'm ending it. Now give me my keys!" I tried snatching them again but failed nonetheless.

"You certainly didn't end it by sleeping with me the other night," she taunted at me as I started to visibly fume at her.

"Adrienne!" I shrieked as I gave up on trying to get my keys back. Instead, I laid my hand out in front of me, expecting her to just give my keys back to me. She had to give up sooner or later, right?

"June, agree to at least grab coffee with me. Last time we were at a coffee store, you threw your ridiculous concoction at me."


"Please?" She muttered before giving my keys back to me, but instead of letting go of the keys, she held my hand with them enclosed between us. I gulped, feeling the hot pulse of attraction overcome me as I stared at our hands.

Come on June! This was the girl that stole your spot as captain! She even snitched on you and pushed you down the stairs in grade school!

I shook my head at my thoughts as I gulped down due to my dry mouth, "Fine," I said through closed teeth as I watched her face light up from excitement.

"Really?" She grinned as she brought me closer to her again. The result in her doing so, made me at a loss for words and breath as I smelled her minty aroma again. Wait, we just got back from practice, how does she not smell like sweat?

"Yes, but only for coffee. Whatever," I said as I tried sounding nonchalant but really my heart was having a boxing contest with my lungs.

"That's fine by me," she paused and then grabbed my keys from our hands to put in her pocket, "then you won't be needing these, let's go now!" My eyes widened as she tugged me over and away from my car.

"Wait what, now?" I yelled out as she kept tugging me until we reached a black Jeep.

"Yeah, why not?" She let go of my hand so she could dig for her keys in her pocket. I stared at her at amazement for how she was acting so chill about this situation. Didn't she hate me too?

"I don't know. I didn't expect it to be so so-" She interrupted me by kissing me firmly on the lips again. I took in a deep breath as it took my whole will to back away from her.

"Stop doing that!" I hissed out, for once actually aware that we were in the school's public parking lot.

She rolled her eyes again at me while she unlocked the passenger door for me, "Whatever, you liked it."

"Shut up," I mumbled while I got into her car seat. I shoved my bag by my feet as I closed the door in her face. I watched through the car windows her laughing as she walked over to the driver's side to get in.

I didn't even look at her, I simply just turned to my side to look out the window. She laughed at my immaturity as she turned the car engine on, letting the car roar to life as she started to drive out of the parking lot. I raised my eyebrows in confusion as I saw a familiar Sam riding on Alexis' back.

No matter how weird those girls were, I couldn't deny the fact that me going on a mini-date with Adrienne was an even weirder situation.

And all I had to do was blame Adrienne for getting in this mess.

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