19. Bedroom Chats

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note: lil smut and cuteness


Adrienne's POV


The sound of my hand slapping firmly against June's firm ass resonated soundly against her bedroom walls. It nearly overruled the yell she let out after she finished, confirming my suspicions that she did, in fact, scream my name out while she came.

I sat up as I watched her body slouch into her pillow covered bed, her slightly tanned body contrasting the stark whiteness of her sheets. I licked my lips, tasting the lasting remnants of June around my mouth before looking down at the blonde beauty whose ass was protruding in the air from her lack of movement.

"Mmmhgia," she inaudibly mumbled against the sheets making my eyebrow arch in confusion at not understanding what she was saying. To tease her even further, I raised my right hand in the air again and brought it harshly onto her supple lower cheek, causing her to shriek in surprise and mild hurt as she turned her head towards me to glare.

"Leave my ass alone, Andrews!" She hissed then let her head drop back into her pillows and covered her lower half with her sea of blankets.

I smiled and decided to follow her wishes as I instead took my fingers to trace the muscle contours along her upper and lower back. I felt the bumps of her exhausted knots rise along her shoulders and disappear into a few small patches of brown moles that I thought were cute. My mind wandered off to the idea of waking up to June's naked body every day, where I'd be able to worship every crevice of her body to myself...

I physically had to jolt myself out of the daydream just because of the absurdity of the subject. What was I thinking? Waking up next to June every day?

Yeah right, I'm pretty sure June would kill me if I resided with her for more than a couple hours.

"Adrienne, stop staring at me. I can feel your insidious intentions from here," she muttered as her grey eyes shone towards me by peering from under her sheets.

I winked at her, "I was just basking, I mean, I did prove that you were able to scream my name after I made you cum."

Her cheeks instantly tinted pink at my comment as she started to sit up against her bedframe, taking her sheets with her to cover her naked body. I shoved away the urge of ripping them off of her so I could take her again for the third time this afternoon.

Yes, third.

"Shut up, you're lucky that I'm basically immobile right now or I'll beat your ass." She stuck her tongue out confidently until I raised an eyebrow in defiance.

"You? Beat my ass? May I remind you that I just left several handprints on your poor skinny ass?" I held up my right hand threateningly until her eyes widened in crystal pools of shock, her arms moving towards her to tighten the fabric around her.

"No thanks," she mumbled and I was surprised that the famous June Parker didn't have a witty response for me.

A moment of silence passed and the encounter with Riley earlier today made my head spin just at the thought of it. I watched June as she decided to skuttle out from her sheets and to her closet, grabbing the pair of underwear she was wearing before I tore them off, and put them on in a hurried motion. After that, she grabbed an old plaid button up that went past her thighs as she unevenly fastened it together. I gulped, not being able to contain myself as I lifted myself off the bed just so I could grab her arm, dragging herself into me as I planted my bottom back onto her comforter.

Her lip was caught on the top of her teeth, which I found adorably cute as I tucked her into my arms and lap. In order to steady ourselves, her slender arms wrapped themselves around my neck causing goosebumps to appear at the back of my neck.

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