16. Bathroom

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note:  lil smut


June's POV


"Are you freaking serious Addison? Melanie Canon? She's an even bigger slut that Adrienne!" I scolded in Addison's ear as we walked out of our seventh period together after school. Unfortunately, we were on our way to the parking lot where we'd meet the two.

And there was no way in hell I'd let my cute best friend get involved with a notorious girl such as Melanie. (All judgment aside, Adrienne was too, but still-)

It was just bad news.

She rolled her brown eyes at me, "I was just commenting how Melanie was somewhat attractive. Can't a girl check out another girl without banging her?"

I grabbed the back of her arm and pinched it, making her yelp loudly and causing a few eyes to stray our way, "You don't even like girls," I hissed.

She kept a little distance away from me as we exited the building, "What kind of friend are you? Of course, I like girls, they're beautiful creatures!"

I rolled my eyes at her then tried looking for the two idiots that we were going to eat with, "You haven't even been with a girl."

"Pfft, and you haven't been with any other girl beside Adrienne."

Huh, she kinda had a point. "Okay, whatever, my bad. So you like girls and boys then?" I groaned out loud when I saw Adrienne leaning casually against her Jeep as Melanie checked her lip gloss in the side mirror. I cringed at the thought of having to deal with the slut flirting with Addison all during this dinner.

"I like what I like, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna jump Melanie's bones. Plus, I told myself I'd save my heart for the human that can binge watch Fresh Off the Boat and Adventure Time episodes with me while we wait for my favorite animes to come out with new seasons." We started to walk towards the two as my eyes narrowed at my nerdy best friend.

"I'm sorry, I barely understood what you said, so I'm just going to ignore it. I'm mostly glad that you're not going to 'jump Melanie's bones' or whatever your crazy lingo means." Adrienne's eyes lifted up to come in contact with mine. I looked down to contain the blush that was creeping up my neck.

"Says the girl that keeps a sex diary..." she muttered as I made a move to slap her upside the neck, but she swiftly skipped away towards Melanie to avoid my hit.

I really wish Blaire was here to diffuse this situation, now I had to handle one slutty idiot, another idiot I was having sex with, and lastly an idiot that couldn't keep her mouth shut.

But then again, if Blaire was here she would make fun of Addison and me, which would not benefit me in the long run.

"Hiya!" Addison nearly screamed as Melanie's lips evolved into a smile and Adrienne looked up at the Asian with a surprised look.

"Hey," Adrienne greeted to her while walking over to me to grab my hand. The small action left goosebumps on my arms, so I pulled my hand away to make it seem like I wasn't that easy to get.

"Hi," I mumbled as I tore my gaze away from the dark headed beauty and to Addison, who was...fondling Melanie's breasts?

"Addison!" I yelled out as I marched over to her to swat her hands away from the brunette. I looked between the two of them, seeing that Addison's face was contorted in concentration, while Melanie was slightly embarrassed. The latter was interesting to see considering Melanie was always annoying and oozing confidence. "What are you doing?" I hissed as Adrienne walked over beside me, only standing close enough for our forearms to barely touch, but the contact was enough to make my head spin in the midst of this petty chaos.

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