12. Such a Friend

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Adrienne's POV


"I swear to god Adrienne...If you do not stop following me, I will personally imagine that you have balls and kick the shit out of your crotch." June hissed out as she started to shove her practice clothes into her duffel bag after practice.

My eyes widened as I took a precautionary step back, holding both of my hands up in defense, "Damn, someone is in a bad mood today. But, come on, princess,- I just want your number." It was after practice and ever since I found out the other day that I didn't have a way of contacting the blonde, I've been begging her for the last fifteen minutes to slip me her digits.

"I said no, and what the hell did I say about you calling me that?" Her grey eyes flickered in irritation, but I knew I was making her nervous due to the slight tint of red that stained her cheeks every time I asked for her number. I knew we were on a hot and cold relationship, but I still knew that there was a part of June that was rather fond of me.

It was just really hard digging that part out without her being intoxicated.

"Come on, princess," I pushed as she zipped up her duffel bag to glare at me, "It's just seven digits plus an area code, no harm can be done there!"

"What do you mean, 'no harm can be done?' if I give you my number, all you'll do is just annoy the shit out of me. I'll get non-stop harassment texts from you!"

I flashed her a smile as an idea popped up in my head, "Okay, then how about I give you my number?" I paused as I added on, "That way I won't be able to spam you with texts until you willingly text me first."

She stared at me in disbelief, but I could see her grey eyes mull over the thought as she sighed in defeat. "Fine," she took her phone out of her backpack, "but this wasn't my idea, and don't be expecting a text anytime soon. I talk to you enough to give me heartburn."

I took her phone out of her hands so I could put my number in her phone, "Aw, I give you heartburn?"

I watched her cheeks stain a color darker, "Don't push it, Andrews," she muttered as she snatched her phone back once I was done. I had to admit, she looked pretty damned cute when I was the one that made her blush like that.

"What? Now if you have another dream about us...you can shoot me a text and we could make that dream a reality- just like last time." I winked as I knew I stepped over the limit as she huffed out in annoyance and put her bag across her shoulder.

"You're appalling," she stated as I winked at her once more.

"You know it's true, princess." I started to follow her out of the gym as she marched off angrily into the parking lot. It was very reminiscent of the last time I followed her to her car, but I couldn't help but follow her a little bit more to annoy the living hell out of her.

"Stop following me! I have your stupid number, can't you just leave me alone now?" She shrieked as she kept walking to her car, my eyes trailing to her hips as they swayed in the evening sunlight. I gulped, wishing I could reach over and touch that perky ass of hers.

However, before I could tease the blonde any further, a familiar voice called out to me in the parking lot. I looked over my shoulder and smiled, my heart aching a bit when I recognized my best friend sprinting over to where June and I were walking to.

Soon enough, the athletic blonde gave me a grin as she stopped before me. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as June stopped walking over to her car to peer over at the two of us.

"Where are you going?" Riley inquired as her blue eyes flickered over to my teammate. I found it weird that she didn't even bother to greet her, but decided to drop it considering had an equal look of annoyance on her face.

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