17. Liar, Liar

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Adrienne's POV


It was the weekend and I was nervously rubbing my arms with my hands as I looked around the coffee shop. Riley called me last night to ask if I wanted to grab some coffee with her, and I didn't have a legit excuse to not go, so here I was at some random cafe and waiting for the blonde to show up.

Even though I was a little early, I couldn't help but feel like she was going to stand me up for some reason. I didn't know why I felt that way, but a part of my heart was still upset over what happened between us. Despite Riley acting like nothing happened, it was still super weird that the closure wasn't there between us.

Soon enough, I watched her enter the coffee shop in a rush while her head whipped from side to side to find my eyes. I smiled a little when I realized how flustered she was, her black t-shirt wrinkled and her jean cuffs were at an uneven length as she slid into the seat across from me. For once, her blonde hair was in a messy bun, except for her usual ponytail and headband.

"I'm sorry I'm so late, I didn't realize the time went by that fast this morning..." she rushed out as I arched an eyebrow at her.

I looked at my phone, "Riley, you're two minutes late."

She gave me an eye roll, "Yes, but it's still considered late." I pushed her favorite hazelnut latte her way as she gratefully took it in her hands to sip. "Thank you," she mumbled with a flush of her face.

"You're ridiculous," I laughed as she hid her face behind her mug. I took a sip of my black coffee as I continued the conversation, "How are you?"

"I'm good, just a bit tired. My parents have been pushing me hard since a lot of scouts have been at my games and practices, other than that, it's pretty normal. How about you?" I mean, besides the fact that she had a girlfriend now, I said to myself but looked down at the table.

"Same ole' me," I joked as I thought back to what June and I did in the school's locker room after practice yesterday. I grew hotter at the thought of it, but chose to ignore it as I sipped on my bitter mug of coffee again.

"I feel like a barely see you nowadays," she started to say as she leaned back against the booth.

"Yeah, I get that you're busy though. We're still friends," I pushed as her blue eyes flickered down towards the table.

"I mean, my schedule is the same as it always has been. You usually visit me after your practice since we barely see each other during the school time." She accused as I raised an eyebrow in question at her protruding bitterness.

"Sorry, I guess I've been a little busy after practice," I tried defending myself and watched as the grip on her mug got a little tighter. However, once she noticed her movement, she withdrew her hand to place it on her lap.

"With June?" She pried as I wondered where the hell this conversation was going.

"Uh, well, I have been hanging out with her lately," I hesitated as I swear Riley twitched a little. I coughed nervously and decided to give her a taste of her own medicine, "You said you weren't busy, how come if Brooke is always driving all the way here to watch you practice?"

The blonde frowned at my comment, "I still make time for my best friend." It was my turn to frown as I realized how harsh my comment sounded towards her. Maybe I was misreading Riley's actions, maybe she genuinely just wanted to be friends and she was sad that I wasn't feeling up to it lately. I mean, I have been spending a lot of time with June...

"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound that way," I started as she shook her head.

"It's fine, I get it. You and June are cute," my eyes widened at the second mention of the other blonde's name.

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