23. Closer

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note: SMUT SMUT lots of SMUT

but there's a surprise at the end 


Adrienne's POV


Riley hasn't been answering any of my texts or calls. It was the morning after the club incident (and June puking until five in the morning) and I tried calling my best friend at least three times and texted her twelve times asking to talk.

Yet, to no avail, she declined each phone call and never answered my texts. I really wanted to apologize for our conversation last night, but I also wanted to acknowledge how I could have never known what she was feeling. Especially since she never threw hints my way, or even told me how she felt about June.

And what did Riley mean by "I'm going to take her from you?" It wasn't like June and I were dating or anything...we were mutually exclusively fucking each other (and potentially I was developing feelings for her) but I wasn't sure about making things official any time soon.

I didn't think I was ready for a relationship, and even though I was getting to know June's heart, mind, and soul a little bit better with each minute spent with her, I still felt like a relationship could potentially harm what we had going on.

I looked over at the sleeping blonde, the afternoon sun already peeking out from the blinds and shining itself magically along her tanned body. She was laying on her belly, one of her legs hitched up to cuddle against her comforter, making her ass protrude away from me. Her rhythmic breathing made her chest rise and fall, her lips slightly parted as she inhaled and exhaled slowly in her sleep. My own breath caught in my throat at the natural beauty of watching June, letting my hand fall to her shoulder blade, running it down her naked body all the way to the small of her back.

She didn't even flinch at my touch, moving my hand up along her body once again, but instead ending my fingers right at her toned butt. I couldn't help but squeeze it firmly, watching her firm flesh squeeze between my fingers at the pressure.

Until I watched her eyes flutter open, a dazed smile on her face, "Good morning..."

I smiled, "It's the afternoon, but good morning." 

She pursed her lips, "I see...so, why were you touching my butt?" 

My eyes widened in surprise at her bluntness, not realizing she had that much in her, "I-it was nice." 

"Did I render you speechless, Andrews?" 

I blushed, "Perhaps." 

"That's a first," she turned over, making herself comfortable as she stretched her body on my bed. I blushed even further, watching how lithe her body looked against my white sheets.

I couldn't believe that I had June Parker in my bedroom.

I laid down next to her and wrapping an arm around her, bringing her blonde head to the crook of my neck to lean on, "How's your tummy feeling today?"

She nestled close beside me, her hand grabbing mine so she could lay it against her stomach, "It's good, your presence makes it easier," she winked.

"I think that's one of the first times you've voluntarily complimented me," I teased as she lifted herself up from me, detangling out bodies and flipping her hair to the side, a blonde curtain of her hair separating us as she peered over at me curiously.

"Shut up, I've complimented you before," she said as she started to straddle me, her knees on each side of my clothed body. I looked down, seeing her core still glistening, my lower abdomen curling up inside me from the built up lust I was gaining from just staring at the naked beauty before me.

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