29. Ouch

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note: ya'll check out my other story, Apartment 205 (: thanks

enjoy (:


Adrienne's POV


I was actually getting really irritated during practice. It was only because June kept running over to check her phone (probably to text Riley back) every five minutes. Every time we all did a drill and it wasn't her turn, she'd sprint over to her stuff to check her messages, giggle, then quickly respond. Which, I didn't understand how she was doing considering I knew Riley had practice before her game today, so I wondered how her coach let that slide.

I tried to not let it get to me, but it was so distracting that I found myself barely helping in coaching my other teammates. Our coach was across the gymnasium helping some girls with their sets, while I was helping the other half on spiking. I was in the middle of giving a speech about how to help each player when my eyes wandered off to the blonde going back to her bag to text the person back.

Suddenly, a nerve in me just snapped, "Hey! Parker! Get back over here and do the drills!" I meant to only raise my voice a little bit, but it somehow came into a full yell and echoed through the gym walls. I felt slightly embarrassed for her, all the other girls turning around to stare at the blonde that now had red-stained cheeks.

Being the attitude-rich blonde she always was, she rolled her eyes at me as she made her way back to the drill line, "Whatever, captain." She supported her words with acidity as she crossed her arms and put a foot forward. Unfortunately, Blaire was still sick today, so there wasn't a person brave enough to calm the blonde down.

Ignoring her comment, I proceeded to throw the ball up from the other side of the net to help the girls spike effortlessly across the gym.

It was the day after I decided to send those texts to her last night. Even though I knew I annoyed her even further, I still got a response from her and found out that she didn't even block my number. In calculus class, I kept finding her glancing at me from across the room, and of course, being my irritating self, I sent her a text asking if she liked what she was looking at.

Once I saw that she received the text, I saw her blow out an angered breath as she rolled her eyes and refused to look at me for the remainder of the class period. Instead of learning about integrals, I just smugly smiled to myself at my small victory.

Honestly, it was kinda like how we used to be before we started to hook up. Except, I majorly fucked up by breaking her heart, and now I had to emotionally and romantically repair her on the inside and out.

Seeing a deadly pair of grey eyes before me on the other side of the net, I smirked and threw the ball into the air. She proceeded to take a couple of big steps before pouncing into the air and slamming it centimeters away from my face on the other side of the court. My smirk didn't falter though, letting the blonde huff out in irritation before turning around to go in the back of the line.

"Nice one, Parker," I emphasized as I watched her finger twinge in irritation, knowing she was tempted to give me the middle finger but didn't want my coach or teammates to see.

I kept continuing the drills, just waiting for practice to be over any minutes now so I could actually talk to June after practice. Once she reached the front of the line again, I absentmindedly threw the ball back into the air.

And was immediately met with the back of my head slamming against the gym floor as she spiked it straight into my head. I groaned, blinking and seeing stars as I glanced at her smug face from the other side of the net. Within seconds, my coach and a couple of my teammates were helping me up into a sitting position.

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