20. Club Drama

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June's POV


Andrews: you look beautiful with your hair down today (:

Me: you look okay in that top

Andrews: want me to take it off later? (flirty emoji)

Me: and see your on clearance sports bras? No, thanks (dancing chicken emoji)

Andrews: pfft, ok princess...twenty more minutes until class is done

Andrews: we're learning about ecosystem services

Andrews: want to go out to lunch? How does chinese food sound?

Me: (throwing up emoji) sounds boring, but sure sounds good...I'm craving stir-fried water spinach

Andrews: (flat face emoji) the fuck is water spinach

"I swear to fucking god June, if I hear your phone go off one more time, I am personally going to grab it, run across the school to find Adrienne, and shove it up her butt just so I don't have to hear it go off again." Blaire harshly whispered across the wooden table in our library study hour. We were supposed to be finding secondary sources for our English thesis projects later this semester, but instead I was just texting Adrienne over simple things that ended up with my face aglow.

"Shut up, I'm not even texting her that much." I went on my phone and googled 'water spinach' instantly copying the link from Wikipedia to send to Adrienne. I grinned when she replied with an emoji with its tongue sticking out.

"You two are basically a couple, but for real, put that shit on silent," Addison reinforced while her own phone went off at least five times with an annoying quacking sound. The sound made a few people in the library look our way, therefore, Blaire grabbed the dark-haired girl's electronic device.

"What the hell? You're texting Melanie Canon? I thought you weren't serious about that girl," Blaire hissed while our friend's cheeks blushed red. My eyes widened at the discovery, my own hands grabbing Addison's phone to confirm it.

"You invited her to Spiral this weekend? Addy!" I nearly yelled which caused our teacher to glare daggers and point a warning finger at us.

Dropping our voices to a lower volume, Addy replied, "I thought she was cool. She gets me and I kinda wanted to see if we'd work out."

I visibly coughed at the image of the two of them together, "Did you do have sex? Gosh Addison, you might catch something. She's notorious for being with a lot of people..."

"And by a lot, we mean like most of the cheerleading team...softball team...soccer team..." Blaire continued as the two of us shivered. Instead, Addison frowned and tapped the table nervously.

"She uh...actually hasn't even tried to do anything with me," her voice dropped lower in disappointment, "I think she only thinks of us as friends. She won't even look at me that way." For a minute, I felt really bad for Addison. Even though the girl she happened to like was an asshole, I couldn't remember the last time Addison romantically liked someone (besides her numerous celebrity crushes, but that's beside the fact.)

To come to think of it, Addison's only romantic relationship was with a guy last year, who only used her to pass their English class. Unfortunately, she was so oblivious to the guy's good looks and charm that she wrote all of his papers in the term.

And it's not like she wasn't unattractive at all. Hell, I even thought Addison was blessed with some beautiful features. She had a beautiful appeal to her demure from her parents, and all the contours in her face were well-defined, yet subtle. Her brown eyes were a shade of dark chocolate, and her lip was always tucked in as if she was always contemplating something.

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