31. Friendship

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Riley's POV


If someone was to tell me that I'd be making out with my biggest crush under the school's football bleachers in my senior year of high school, I would've definitely rolled my eyes and ignored that incredulous thought. However, here I was, pressing June Parker against a cold strip of metal foundation as I kissed her lips firmly, loving how she tasted like melon and mint for some reason.

My hand was cradling her left leg onto my hip, letting me feel the firm flesh of her thigh against my fingers as our bodies melded together. However, as soon as I let my fingertips stray a little too far under her denim shorts, I felt her body tense up, as usual, her face abruptly pulling apart from mine as she stared into my eyes.

"I, uh...Riley," she muttered as her lips curved into a small smile, her hands sliding up to clasp behind my neck.

I breathed out softly, already knowing what she was about to say, "No need to say it, June. I know, sorry, I just got carried away." She did this every time we remotely got far enough. She always hesitated or stiffened up, then would give me a small speech about how she wants to take things slow and she didn't think she was ready to open up to someone sexually without being in a relationship with them.

And I knew that was my cue to ask her out to be my girlfriend, especially since we basically were these past weeks, but I couldn't get myself to ask her.

I couldn't ask her to be mine when I subconsciously knew that the reason why she always stopped things from going further was because of Adrienne. Even if I were to ask her to be my girlfriend, I knew her heart still belonged to my dark-headed best-friend.

And speaking of my best friend, I still haven't talked to her since the night at the club. After thinking about it further, I knew I was being a bit demanding and kinda threw our relationship in a hole. I've been meaning to talk to her about it, but then I found out that she was making this some sort of competition for June.

I pretended that I didn't see, but I knew when Adrienne would stop June in the hallways to just "talk". Or even today, I watched the whole flower encounter from the corner of the hallway, seeing how uncomfortable June got just by Adrienne's mere presence.

I couldn't help but think to myself if I was the true reason why Adrienne stopped talking to June. I knew Adrienne wasn't one for exclusive relationships, despite wanting to be in one with me at one point. However, what if the main reason why she let June go was so I could have her?

Did Adrienne even still want to be friends?

"Riley? Riley?" June interrupted my thoughts as I snapped back in reality. I looked down, realizing that worry was cast upon her face as she tilted her head to examine me. "Are you okay? Look I'm sorry...I just really don't want to-"

I shook my head, leaning in to give her nose a kiss as I smiled reassuringly, "No, not about that. I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" she whispered as I felt her breath fan across my face.

I hesitated but continued on, "It's just that...I saw you talking to Adrienne this morning." Just as I suspected, I felt her body go rigid at the mention of the other girl's name, her fingers at the back of my neck seeming to merge tighter together.

She pulled her top lip into my mouth, "Yeah, she gave me another bouquet of roses in my locker again today. She watched me throw them away and confronted me about it." I stared into her grey eyes, seeing that they flickered to the side in a slight moment of thought.

"Yeah, I saw," I paused, trying to find the right words, "She's really trying to win you back, isn't she?"

Her eyes opened in surprise, "Unfortunately, but it's not going to work, Riley. She's just annoying me at this point." I gulped, noticing the slight hesitation in her voice, hinting that there was a certain aspect to her words where she was lying.

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