26. Please Call...

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June's POV


I huffed in a breath as I pushed the dark-headed liar out of the way, "If you think that I'm going to fall for that bullshit after everything you've pulled in the last seventeen days," I winced as I clenched the fist that was bruised from punching my locker twenty minutes ago, "then you're a fucking idiot."

I watched as her eyes looked shocked at my outburst, especially from the kiss that we just shared. I'll admit, I longed to kiss her for such a long time, but after seeing her fuck various girls in such a short time after being intimate with me- plus calling me a "used thing" in front of Riley- I was fucking done with Adrienne Andrews.

"I'm not pulling anything?" Her eyebrows contorted in confusion and for a split second, I believed her, "Princess, I'm really not. I do-"

I brought a hand up and maintained my distance to interrupt her, "I'm not even going to listen to you. Do you know how many texts and voicemails I left you begging for an explanation? For closure on what I did to make you just drop me like that?"

I closed my eyes for a second to calm down and let out a shallow breath, "That day was special to me, and even if I said 'I love you' or not, I thought you fucking used me for your entertainment. I thought that since I acted like a whore- you were done with me, your game was already finished." I sniffled, biting on the inside of my lip as I watched her face fall.

"I've never had sex with a guy," I whispered out as she kept looking at me with confusion.

"June, I didn't use you. I swear on my grave bed...but what the hell does that..." Her face froze as the realization of my words hit her at full impact. I gulped, bringing my arms close to myself so I could somehow make myself more secure.

"I gave it up to you, Adrienne. I trusted you enough to let all my barriers down romantically, psychologically, and sexually." I sniffled again, "I let you walk beside me, to be there for me even though we were just sex buddies, and for fucks sake I even let you closer to me by letting you fuck me like that."

I shook my head, her mouth falling down and closing on itself in an attempt to respond, "But I guess that's all it was, huh, Andrews? Fucking?" I wiped my eyes and nose, trying to compose myself as I stepped extremely close to the dark-haired girl. My mouth only a few centimeters from hers, and my eyes peering up at her with a newfound hatred I now possessed for the brunette. "I hope you fucking enjoyed taking a small piece away from me. I hope you fucking enjoyed adding me onto your list of hundreds of girls. I fucking hope you're satisfied in everything."

I turned my body away from her, her fingers lightly grazing mine in an attempt to pull me back. I hesitated, wondering if I should even give her the time of day to respond to my rant.

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way, June. I'm sorry if you're going to continue to feel that way about me no matter what I say, but I can tell you this-" I grabbed my stuff that fell to the floor, her apologies falling on deaf ears as I waited for a spot where I could leave.

"I told you, I love you. I might not know what love is, but I know the feeling I feel with you...It's unbearable and I need you. I'll prove it to you, princess...I swear I will," I bit my lip, trying to hard to keep my strong guard up as I pushed through the locker room doors, feeling the cold metal hit me with the same bitterness as Adrienne did when she entered my life.


Adrienne's POV


I sighed, plugging my phone into the auxiliary station in my car. I leaned my head back into my car seat, looking around and seeing that the parking lot was nearly empty. The encounter with June made me physically drained, and I didn't know what to do now that I knew how the blonde was feeling towards me.

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