32. Peace Offering

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June's POV


I set my head on the table I was sitting at, feeling the cold wood press against my forehead while I battled it with my hot breath sighing on it. I blinked, groaning as I lifted my head back up, staring at my calculus book and not understanding how the hell I got the problem wrong for the seventh time in a row. Knowing me, I was just probably in a rush and overlooking something small that was affecting the whole problem, but unfortunate me, I really didn't know where my formulas were going wrong.

I looked back at my crumpled up sheets of work paper, starting a new one so I could try again as my irritation increased at the screeching of the chair legs against the library floor. I looked up, rage bringing my blood to a boil and nervousness seizing my heart to stop as I stared at Adrienne, who was plopping her backpack right on the table across from me. Her feet nudged mine accidentally from under the table, as we were only two feet away, our similar grey eyes staring each other down, waiting for one of us to break the silence.

She gave out her infamous smirk, "May I sit here?"

I blinked, looking instantly down at my paper as I mumbled, "You may do whatever you wish to do, just don't bother me." I started to do the problem again, etching my notebook paper with my handwriting as I heard her laugh quietly in front of me as her response.

"Wait, but I have a gift for you?" She said in a question while I narrowed my eyes at her, seeing that her right hand was in fact behind her back, hiding something that could potentially just piss me off even more. I swear if it was another bouquet of flowers I was going to flip the table between us.

Instead of flowers though, she produced a medium sized matcha latte from Starbucks. My eyebrows rose in surprise and my mouth watered within my closed mouth as I muttered, "What?"

She placed the drink in front of me, a straw protruding proudly in the heavenly mixture before me. I chewed on the inside of my lip, even seeing that there wasn't any whip on it, as I liked it. She cleared her throat, "A non-fat reduced calorie green tea latte, or I'd like to call- vomit in a cup." She teased as she slid it closer to me, "No whip, half soy and half coconut milk...extra blended for your favorite number - forty-three more seconds."

She removed the half paper that was covering the stray as she motioned for me to drink. I sighed, giving in to my favorite drink as I put it to my lips, letting the green tea flavor envelop my taste buds while I smiled softly in content. It was exactly what I needed after this horrible calculus experience I was having. In addition, it was actually quite thoughtful that Adrienne was able to memorize my order. I'll give her some points for that.

"And unfortunately, our favorite barista wasn't there to make it." She continued as I sipped on the drink.

"What a pity, probably gave her co-worker something to do though." I joked, but then wanted to take it back because why was I being nice to this idiot?

"Sure did, I made sure to tip for her efforts though. How is it?"

"It's good..." I hesitated as I started to rummage through my backpack, "How much do I owe you?"

Of course, she shook her head as she grinned, "It's fine. You don't owe me anything, consider it...a peace offering?"

I rolled my eyes as I stopped looking through my bag, knowing she was going to cause a scene if I tried paying her back, "A peace offering for what?" I thought about it, then started to get really irritated if she thought a complicated Starbucks order was going to get me to spread my fucking legs for her then she had some rethinking to do.

She shrugged, "For being annoying these past few weeks, with the flowers and texts and stuff. I realized that it might be a bit too much."

I raised an eyebrow, and relaxed at her response, "And hunting me down in the library to give me my favorite drink isn't?"

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