27. Forget Her

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June's POV


"I don't believe that you bruised your hand from scraping it against the floor in volleyball practice. Mom is so going to kill you for lying and dad is so going to freak out, damn, June it looks like you're fucking carrying some sort of zombie virus that's making your knuckles bleed and skin fall off, I wonder if..." Joey kept rambling on as I continued to bandage my bruised and battered knuckles from earlier.

I scoffed and grabbed a wadded up piece of wrapping that I didn't use, throwing it right into Joey's face to shut his little wimpy ass up.

My little blonde brother made a face before giving me the finger, "Give me ten bucks."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I finished up, examining my hands to make sure the blood wasn't leaking through my bandages. "For what?"

He shrugged, "So I won't tell mom and dad that you got into a fight."

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't get into a fight, Joey."

He crossed his arms as he pointed to my hand, "Then how the fuck did you get beat up like that?"

I waved my hand around slowly in his face, "I told you. Volleyball. I had a dig that was out of my zone that I still decided to go after, and I slammed my hand onto the floor and got floor burn." I told the lie smoothly with a concentrated look so my little brother wouldn't detect the underlying sadness to my lie.

I didn't feel like telling my family that I somehow bruised and scraped my whole hand by punching my locker mercilessly because I was heartbroken over my ex-fuck buddy calling me a "used thing" after making out with a new girl in our class. It would definitely involve my mom attempting to make me fat by ordering a lot of sushi and Mcdonalds (not protesting but still) and my dad grabbing his favorite baseball bat to beat Adrienne with (also not protesting but still.)

Not believing a word I said, Joey's blue eyes darkened, "Yeah? You landed right on the up-side of your hand and managed to scrape all the skin off of your knuckles and fingers? How the hell do you do that?"

It was my turn to shrug, "I don't know, just happened. I mean, you can tell mom and dad otherwise, but I'm still going to stick with what I told you."

He groaned, "Fine, I believe you, but can I still have ten bucks?"

I blew out an annoyed breath, "For what?"

He let out his famous toothy preteen grin, "For being the best little brother in the world!" He teased before nimbly running out of the way to avoid the smack that I was about to deliver to his head. Within seconds he was already out of the kitchen area and trampling up the stairs. I heard a slight thump halfway, indicating that he tripped in the process of going to his room. I snickered, thinking about how pathetic that would have looked before my phone went off.

Riley: Are you free?

I hesitated, wondering if I wanted to be alone tonight after the confrontation I had with Adrienne a couple of hours ago. I bit my lip, realizing that I had to move on from that lying slut by doing normal things in life.

Me: Yes, my house?

I sent my location to her and instantly I received a reply with three celebrating emojis from my newfound friend.

Riley: Sure! On my way!

I set my phone down, glad that Joey went up to his room so he wouldn't have to bother Riley. I started to clean up the mess I made with the first aid kit on my kitchen counter, getting kinda annoyed from the fact that I could barely use my right hand.

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