37. Okay

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June's POV


The sound of class clinking together echoed throughout the living room in synchronization to the soft rock music emanating in the background.

We all set our shot glasses onto the table after the harsh, clear liquid stained our throats. I coughed, definitely looking attractive as I sputtered and licked the remnants off of my lips. My eyes squinted as I adjusted to the gross liquid I just ingested, my eyes travelling to Adrienne's and noticing that she expertly sucked the vodka down her throat while still looking attractive as fuck.

"Fuck Smirnoff, where the fuck is the good shit?" Addison broke the silence as she stood up from her kneeling position on the floor, using the coffee table for support as she stumbled over to run over to the kitchen.

Blaire coughed as she rolled her blue eyes to watch Addison raid the alcohol cabinets. "You're lucky my mom hoards a shit ton of alcohol, just don't pick a bottle that's over forty dollars or she'll kill me. We're lucky enough that my parents aren't home this weekend."

Addison yelled from the kitchen, "Shush woman!" There was a slight pause in the kitchen as I felt Adrienne pull me over between her legs. She was sitting at an armchair right by the coffee table, while I was sitting on the floor in front of her. I absentmindedly traced circles along her jean-clad legs and leaned the side of my body against her.

As Adrienne started to play with the back of my hair, I continued to hear the mess of a conversation happening around us, "Who the hell drinks Ketel One Botanical? I don't want to drink a flower while getting intoxicated."

Adrienne and I both giggled as we watched Blaire groan and pour herself another half shot of Smirnoff before quickly taking it in front of us. I raised an eyebrow at her, catching her eyes before she also stood up from the floor to walk into the kitchen.

Clearly, we could hear, "Addison! Just pick a fucking bottle! Stop being so picky, it's not like you're a vodka connoisseur."

"Pfft, girl. I know my vodka." There was a rummaging of more cabinet doors until Addison screeched out, "Ah ha! Ciroc! I'm a winner!" My petite friend rushed back into the room we were all residing at, Blaire following slowly behind her as she instantly made eye contact with the brunette Addison sat next to on the couch.

"Melanie, you are so responsible for this girl tonight," Blaire mumbled as she took her spot on the floor next to me. Instantly, Addison started to open up the new vodka bottle as if she was a kid in a candy store (she basically was) and I watched as Melanie leaned in to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek sweetly.

"I know, I'm designated driver tonight anyway. I'm going to let her celebrate anyway, she definitely deserves it after winning her spot at regionals." The smaller girl started to beam out a toothy smile as she started to pour a shot into her glass and the blonde's next to hers.

"Uh huh, I'm definitely celebrating. I'm so soooo happy I was able to win a regionals spot in my last year, plus Riley also won too! She deserves a shot!" Addy slurred and I looked at Riley look at Addison sceptically.

"Um, I don't think I'm going to drink that much, Addison..." Riley started to say as she rubbed the back of her neck nervously, obviously due to the fact that the brim of her shot glass was almost overflowing with clear liquid.

"Shut up! We are celebrating! We are graduating and both of us got full ride scholarships to play tennis!"

The blonde sighed, the heat rushing to her neck as she realized that Addison was definitely going to try to get her drunk tonight, "I suppose...Hey, why is my shot bigger than yours?"

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