38. Count On Me

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update on my life yo:

my immune system is crappy so I'm sick again and almost went to the ER

school is ugiafgwkj

my love life is iuagwirug

but my doggo orlando is a cool boi



Adrienne's POV


"You sure you don't want to dump my sister for this hunk of a man?" June's little brother boasted about himself as he puffed his puny chest out, his baseball jersey still loose over his shoulders while he rotated his chair around the kitchen island. I tried to stifle my own laughs, leaning against the other side of the counter while he attempted to lick his lips in what I assumed he thought to be sexy.

This boy had a lot to learn before he hit high school. To be honest, he kind of reminded me of a smaller version of Connor. (Or maybe if June and Connor had a kid but I didn't really want to think of that scenario.)

"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't you have girls your age that you can try to flirt with?" I smirked, playing with my Jeep keys in my hand while I waited for June to get dressed for our date. We planned on going to a local ramen restaurant that was located just at the outskirts of downtown. I heard that it got a lot of nice reviews, so we decided to give it a try for a nice date the day before graduation. It would be a nice way to get closer to June while trying to destress about my valedictorian speech tomorrow.

I pretty much had the whole thing memorized as it was pretty short, but I still wasn't sure that it felt complete yet. I wanted it to be concise and metaphorical, yet straight to the point. I didn't want it to be just like all the super sappy graduation speeches you hear in chick-flick movies, so I sorta added my own twist to my speech. I've been timing myself for the past couple of days, and it was a little over two minutes, so I was hoping it wouldn't be too awful for the graduating class.

"Nah, those girls can't catch with me." He finally stopped rotating his seat and looked at me head on, "Plus, my sister has some good taste in her women." He attempted to wink at me but his cheek twitched way too much and it just looked like he was on a caffeine fix.

June always complained to me how annoying her little brother was. To some extent, I sorta agreed with her, but I also understood that he was still going through puberty which was causing him to act super annoying. I tried convincing her that once he actually went through puberty, he was either going to be a respectful boy or a complete asshole. But, she still had time to prevent the latter if she actually spent time with him and didn't scold him all the time for flirting with me.

"You know, you can't just attempt to flirt with me every time I come over. This always ends with June chasing you out of the room, and Summer having to separate the two of you before you head off to baseball practice." I explained as I replayed the multiple times that has happened in my brain. I shrugged, realizing I was right as he pondered my words in his adolescent head.

"Damn, you've got our love story to a T, baby." I cringed and this time laughed out loud, overall hurting his tiny ego as his older sister gracefully walked into the kitchen, taking in the situation and narrowing her grey eyes towards the two of us.

Yet, while she was examining what was happening, I couldn't help but take in her appearance. Tonight, she was looking spectacular in some low-waisted black skinny jeans. They definitely accentuated the muscles along her calves and thighs that were also highlighted by the average sized red heels she was wearing. It brought her stature up to mine, making our eyes gaze at each other at eye level.

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