11. Thai Food

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June's POV


"Okay, June. You have a nice car and all, I'm really digging it. But I am super uncomfortable in this position as we stalk your so-called weird hookup crush," Addison whispered harshly as we all were slumped down in my leather seats trying to peek through the tinted windows.

"I second that!" Blaire whisper-shouted as I glared daggers at them to make them shut up. We were all parked at the nearest Thai restaurant just because after Addison's game, we found Adrienne's familiar black Jeep parked in it. Therefore, I made a harsh U-turn, and now we were stalking the idiot.

Which isn't that weird, I swear.

I simply just wanted to see if Riley and Adrienne were dating. Was there any harm in that?

I wasn't jealous.

"Come on, June, I need to shower. I smell like lump-nuts," Addy complained as she tried making herself comfortable in the backseat, especially with all of her tennis equipment pushing her against the car door.

Blaire giggled beside me as I attempted to swat at Addy from the front seat, "Shush! And stop making up weird words!"

I watched as Addy opened her mouth silently to mimic my gestures while I flipped her off. Soon enough, I finally saw the tall, blonde walk out with Adrienne, a take-out box in hand as they started to walk towards Adrienne's Jeep. I gulped in relief, realizing that they had quite a distance between each other as they walked.

"You know, this could all be solved if you just admitted to Adrienne that you have feelings for her," I snapped my head towards Blaire as she shrunk away from me. "June! We're your best friends, we know when you have a crush on someone, despite you also hating them, we know when you wanna jump her bones."

"Guys! I said shut up!" I hissed as I shoved Blaire's head down when Riley looked over in our direction. I peeped my head up to see if we've been spotted, and my lungs almost exploded when I saw them walking over in our direction.

"Fuck! They're coming this way! What do I do!" I whispered as Blaire's eyes widened and Addy wiggled in her seat nervously.

"Sizzle sticks! I got it, I got it, June!" Addy harshly whispered as she started to put her windows down, causing both Blaire and I to panic even more at her stupidness.

"Addy!" I scolded while she took her phone out and dialed a number, bringing it up to her ear as I terribly watched Riley and Adrienne a few feet from my car. Fuck, I wasn't going to be able to cover this up.

"Yeah, Hi. Hello. Can I do a carry-out please?" Addison started as my mouth dropped open at her actions. Was she for serious?

"Uh huh, yeah. The name is for Addison," she paused, "No, ADD-I-SON, not allison...Ya, uh huh." At this point Adrienne and Riley came up to my car as the dark-headed girl tapped on my window. I sighed, pressing the button to put my Audi's roof come down as they stepped away from the process.

This was so embarrassing.

"Hi, Adrienne. Hi, Riley...again," I mumbled as I stared at Adrienne's infamous smirk and Riley's confused stare at seeing the three of us again.

"What, you came to stalk me, princess?" Adrienne winked as I huffed out in annoyance, her body leaning against my side, making her face only a few inches from mine. Blaire giggled in the corner as Addy still made her pick up call.

"No...we were just..." I hesitated, not able to find a good excuse and ignoring her stupid nickname for me as Addison interrupted in the background.

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