35. Question Me

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Chapter 35


June's POV


It already towards the end of our meal, and we were just enjoying each other's company as I absentmindedly picked at my food. I found myself casually glancing at the dark-headed girl sitting across from me and wondering how it came to this.

If you were to ask me a year ago what my love life would be like towards the end of the year, I probably would've said that I still had a crush on Connor Pewter. Or even worse, maybe I would've taken the date he offered (me watching him play) earlier in the school year and ended up being his girlfriend.

However, instead, I fell into an exclusive sexually based relationship with my rival. I fell in love with her, unknowingly confessed my love to her, and made her reject me and break my heart. I ignored her presence, then led her on and continued to be friends with her.

And here I was, at some casual Thai restaurant, chatting up a storm and stealing glances at the small dimple on the corner of her lips that appeared when she smirked at me.

I was still in love with Adrienne Andrews. I just didn't want to admit it yet.

But I could definitely sense the change in her demeanour ever since she broke my heart. I knew she was trying to get closer to me, to apologize to me, and to ask for my forgiveness, and I knew she was doing it at a steady pace. I always caught her catching glimpses of me as if she was caught in a forbidden act, but then shying away and smiling to herself, as if she knew that I enjoyed it.

And the way her grey eyes looked at me made my heart melt all over again.

It wasn't the usual darkness that enveloped her eyes when she felt lustful towards me. It was something different. It was the way the darker specks of her eyes lightened up in contrast to the grey entity within her orbs, or the way her whole face brightened up at just staring at me. It was definitely the way she remained eye contact with me as if I'd just get up and never see her again, or perhaps she'd go blind and never be able to interact with my face again.

It was something so unnerving but so beautifully constant in my blossoming relationship with her that I found myself falling in love with her again for different, exotic reasons, but still holding onto the aspects that I loved in the first place.

It was as if the broken pieces within my heart were looking for the new pieces of her to mend them with.

I suppose I wanted to start anew, it just sucked that we didn't have that much time together. Graduation was coming right up the corner, and I was still battling what university I wanted to attend in the upcoming fall. My parents were pushing towards me staying in the area, as they wanted me to stay close so they could visit more often. Also, a smaller part of me wanted to stay in the area in hopes that Adrienne was too, but I didn't want my future to depend on something that wasn't definite.

And another part of me wanted for something newer and different in my life, which included moving to a different state to study business, but didn't want to let go of all my ties in this life.

Bringing me back into reality, Adrienne cleared her throat, "What's your favorite color?"

Surprised, I glanced up into her grey orbs, "What?"

She tilted her head and brought her fork that housed a loose noodle onto her plate, "What's your favorite color?" Why the hell was she asking me something so random?

"White to wear, blue to look at," I said with concentrated thought, while I leaned back in the restaurant's booth to figure out what the heck she was doing.

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