22. Grossly Cute

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June's POV


I was definitely feeling good.

The strobe lights weren't too much, the music had a sick beat, and this vodka-cranberry drink was definitely a good drink to choose.

We were all waiting for Adrienne and Riley to get back from their talk, as I rotated around my swivel-chair at the bar. Blaire was making sure I didn't fall off my seat, while Addison and Melanie were taking shots dangerously close to each other. I didn't think into it too much, as my head was a bit hazy from the amount of alcohol I ingested, but I knew Addison was happy at the intense amount of attention she was getting from Melanie.

I tried making a mental note to make sure Addison didn't do anything stupid tonight.

"June, you're making me dizzy. Stop spinning, fuck," Blaire finally snapped as she grabbed the rim of my chair to get me to stop rotating. I stuck my tongue out in protest but then easily captured the straw from my drink in my mouth, sipping on the contents and forgetting about how I was on spin forty-three.

"Where's Adrienne and Riley?" I pouted while I crossed my arms after setting my empty drink on the bar counter. I was going to order another, but the distant combination of Adrienne's black hair and Riley's blonde hair came into view. I smiled widely, glad that I was able to make friends with Riley and be able to see Adrienne in one evening.

At first, I wasn't sure about Riley. But the more she talked about how she didn't eat meat (except seafood) or how annoying her family was (not more than mine) or even how she wished she wasn't blonde (story of my life,) the more I found out we had a lot in common. All of my previous conceptions that she hated me and wanted me to stay away from Adrienne faded, especially my idea that the two were sleeping together.

Plus, she gave me A LOT of alcohol, despite me asking to pay for most of the drinks. Pfft, she even started to dance with me when some creepy girl came up behind me and tried groping under my skirt.

Perhaps I could potentially be friends with the tennis blonde. I mean, wouldn't Adrienne be so happy about that in the end?

Riley was the first to reach the bar, as she leaned against the counter a few feet away from me to instantly order a drink. I carefully watched as the bartender handed her a vodka on the rocks, the ice cubes in the glass looking deliciously inviting in contrast to the harsh liquid it cherished.

She turned towards me, her blue eyes looking a bit sad, "Do you want another drink?"

Not thinking straight, I nodded as she indicated to the bartender to make me another vodka-cranberry drink. After I got the drink, I eagerly drank it until I felt a pair of familiar, warm arms wrap around my waist.

For some reason, I watched Riley's hand tighten around her glass. I ignored it and turned my head towards the dark-headed girl that made my heart flutter in all types of ways. "Hi," I mumbled as Adrienne leaned against me to kiss my cheek.

"Hey," she said stiffly, her eyes wandering over to Riley briefly. The blonde easily rolled her eyes. I wondered what happened during their talk?

"Do you want a drink, princess?" Adrienne yelled into my ear to grab my attention, but I lifted the drink Riley bought me in my hand.

"Riley already bought me one, thanks though." Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Riley tap my shoulder then walk off into the dance floor. I kinda felt sad that she didn't want to hang out more, I was actually enjoying her company earlier.

"Oh, I see," Adrienne mumbled, her head leaning against my shoulder. "What happened to that fifty I gave you?"

My face instantly reddened, remembering how I spent that fifty dollars in under five minutes from the continuous shots I was taking with Blaire, Addison, and Melanie. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I swear it was in my hand and the next..." I buried my hand in my pocket and produced three dollars, "Sorry, Adrienne."

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