8. Starbucks 2.0

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Adrienne's POV


"Are you fucking crazy, Andrews?!" June screamed out with her hands grasping the side of the car as I sped down the street going fifty miles per hour in a twenty-five zone. "Slow the fuck down!" She screeched out as her eyes closed in fear and annoyance at my carelessness while I sharply turned a corner.

I laughed, knowing that we were perfectly fine, because there were barely any pedestrians, and I just wanted to get a kick out of June. Sometimes she was just so uptight, I didn't understand how she could function in her life.

I liked the sexual June better. She was so carefree and daring the other night when we slept together, it made me forget what she was like in actuality. However, I was glad that there was a certain aura of constant uncertainty around her, it made me feel special that I was able to push her out of her comfort zone, despite her having to be horny to do so.

Besides, the June from a couple of weeks ago would never let me take her out for coffee, so the fact that she was in my car right now was evident enough to tell that a little part of her wanted me dearly.

But what did I want with June?

Was she just a good hook up from time to time? Did I want to be friends with her? Did I want to start a relationship with the blonde?

I winced at that thought, realizing that I certainly wasn't ready for any sort of commitment on my part. I didn't think I would ever be ready for commitment any time soon. Especially not after already feeling what rejection felt like not so long ago. So, I was gladly ready to push down any wandering feelings for June in the deepest parts of my soul, hoping that they'd never resurface in the near future.

Besides, how could I have feelings for the annoying blonde? All she did was constantly complain or argue against whatever I wanted. She didn't even listen to me despite my status on the volleyball team. I even have had many conversations with coach regarding her intolerable attitude towards me, but she always brushed it off because June would always suck up to her, so coach was never able to see what June was really like with her back turned.

"Are you listening to me, Adrienne? You're almost about to pass the Starbucks!" She yelled out as I stopped listening to my thoughts, hitting on the brakes as hard as I could, as I conveniently parked in front of the coffee shop. I looked over at June, who was putting her hand to her chest while breathing out at an uneven pace. She glared over at my direction, making her grey eyes seem like they were brewing up a storm, as she angrily took off her seatbelt.

"You could've killed us!" She said with pressed lips and a vein almost protruding from her temple.

She looked really cute while angry.

I shook my head and laughed, "Nah, I was just playing with you sweetheart." I winked over at her as her mouth dropped open in disbelief. I turned off the engine as I proceeded to get out of my Jeep. She did the same, except June kept mumbling to herself on how this coffee date was a "mistake" and that she wished that I never "existed in her life."

She was just a princess.

I opened the door to the coffee store for her to be polite, but she simply shook her head and said under her breath, "You're freaking unbelievable."

I let out a grin as I slid my hand on the small of her back as we entered the Starbucks to get in line. She simply just slapped my hand out of my way as I leaned in to tease her ear with my lips, "You said that the last time we were together," I whispered as I felt her body shiver.

But as soon as that moment of want appeared within June, it quickly disappeared as she pushed me out of the way to maintain her distance. I shrugged at the action, knowing that she definitely still wanted me, but also confused as to why I was trying to hard to mess with the cold-hearted blonde.

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