5. Dreams

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note: smut alert, careful readers


"What would you like me to do, June?" The dark-headed beauty murmured into my ear while slightly grazing her lips against my earlobe. I felt a shiver send firecrackers into the nerves of my body as I felt her fingers lightly move aside my light hair that was trailing itself against my neck, interrupting the space we had between her lips and my bare neck.

Suddenly she started to trail hard kisses along it as I started to crane my neck asking for more.

"I- I want you to touch me, Adrienne..." I whispered out in soft moans as she obliged my comment, trailing her other hand to slide down my abdomen and between the space between my legs. I moved my lips closer to her hand, making the pressure between her hand and my sex undeniable.

She sighed in delight as she instantly pushed me down onto the bed, my head hitting the pillow roughly as I stared at the gorgeous girl suddenly spreading my legs apart. I felt heat spread throughout my body as she moved her soft hands along my legs, my thighs, and finally to the folds between my legs. I watched as her head dipped down and placed kisses along my -


My eyes flew open as I abruptly sat up from the cold sweat that was dripping down my body. I could hear my alarm blaring in my ears as I hastily pressed the snooze button on the phone at the nightstand by my bed. I leaned back against my pillows in shallow breaths as I stared up at the ceiling.

What was that?

I sighed out in relief as I realized that it was only just a dream.

A wet dream with Adrienne.

Just to check, I let my hand move under the elastic of my underwear and between my legs. I drew my fingers back and wiped them against my underwear, feeling the undeniable wetness flowing from me. I groaned out in frustration as I swung my legs over my bed in order to walk my body over to the bathroom.

All I needed was a nice, cold shower, and I'd forget all about that bitch. I didn't even understand what my mind was thinking, how could it be subconsciously thinking about her? I didn't even find her attractive? I hated her.

It's been a couple weeks since the after practice incident, and I didn't have an encounter with Adrienne. We've both been ignoring each other in class and at practice. She wasn't as harsh with our after-school workouts, so I didn't have a reason to be irritated at her.

But I still saw her every day.

In class, I swear I'd always catch her sneaking glances at me as if she was trying to plot something to ruin my life. I'd also see her in the parking lot, either talking to other people or hanging out with that slut, Melanie. I always felt weird when I saw the two together, I didn't really know why, but it still made me feel weird. I definitely wasn't jealous though. Maybe I pitied them?

But at practice she always gave me the cold shoulder, distancing herself away from me doing drills or scrimmages. Blaire even talked to me less during practice because she felt uncomfortable due to the hostility between Adrienne and me.

I took off the remainder of my underwear and turned on the shower in my bathroom. I didn't bother to wait for it to warm up as I stepped into the freezing cold water. My body winced a little bit, but I didn't mind it that much as my body was still heated from my unfortunate dream. I pulled my head back to relish the cold water that was enveloping my body. I sighed in relief as all of my thoughts and worries of Adrienne Andrews seemed to drift away...

I think.


Adrienne's POV


I was sitting out on the school's courtyard enjoying my lunchtime when a familiar shadow seemed to ruin my sunshine.

"Hey, babe," Melanie cooed as she sat down next to me with her hands already touching my hair. I sighed internally, not understanding why the brunette couldn't understand the meaning of no.

Melanie has been extra clingy these past few weeks despite me telling her that I wasn't interested in a relationship or any more hookups. I didn't think I was ever going to be ready for a relationship in high school as I was way too busy and too emotionally shrouded to put my all in another person.

"Hi, Melanie," I muttered as I gently shooed her hands away from my hair. I watched as her face went from playful to serious in all but two seconds. I watched as she began to sit up straight and looked me in the eyes.

"Would you like to go to my party tonight?" She said with her brown eyes containing a little hope in them.

I mulled the idea in my head a little bit before shaking my head, "No, Melanie I know we talked about us a few days ago. I don't think it's best if I go to it tonight."

She rolled her eyes, "I am so over you, Adrienne. Just come to my party, my parents are out of town and I'm gonna have hella liq. The whole school is basically going to be there." She distanced herself a bit and looked at her nails to feign attention.

I raised an eyebrow, "Are you now?" I honestly didn't understand what was the point of even inviting me if she claimed she was over me.

"Uh huh," She nodded then hesitated, "I wouldn't even care if you brought a date even. Just don't fuck in my bed." She winked then started to get up. "For real though, come over. It's going to be a Friday night, let loose for once Andrews. Wasn't the last time you drank your sister's birthday party?"

I grimaced at the thought and hesitated at the memory of what happened at that certain party.

I haven't talked to June in weeks after our incident in the school parking lot. After that happened, she actually made me believe that she hated my guts. I swear she was trying to kill me that day.

Except for the fact that the following days and weeks after, I would catch June sneaking glances at me. I also knew that she lingered after practice in the locker room to see if I was still there. However, she actually didn't make any irritating comments towards me or attempting to spike my head off with a volleyball recently.

Our silence together also didn't help the thoughts I was having about the pretty blonde. All I wanted was to feel her soft, dainty body along mine and kiss her passionately under the weight of my body. I also wanted to get to know June, despite her sour attitude towards me, but the beauty never failed to intrigue me with her surprising actions throughout the years.

However, it couldn't be helped as the girl didn't want to have anything to do with me. Even if her drunken actions had indicated otherwise, the fact that the blonde went out of her way to say that she hated Adrienne was enough to keep me away.

"Yeah, I guess so," I replied. Maybe I did need a drink or two in my system?

"So, come on. No hard feelings between us, just come and have some fun. Maybe you'll find some new girl to satisfy your needs," she winked as she walked away without a comment from me. I rolled my eyes as I let my eyes gaze over the multiple people walking around the school courtyard.

Incidentally, my eyes landed on a particular feisty blonde, who happened to be staring right back at me. For a few seconds, neither of us moved our heads as we delved into each other's similar grey eyes. The blonde didn't even recognize that we were maintaining eye contact until I let out a small smirk. Suddenly I watched as she let out a little huff, give me the finger, and turn around in her seat to talk to her friends.

I raised my eyebrows, surprised that she gave me an indication that she noticed my existence after weeks of silence and ignoring me. I wondered what was up her butt today.

I shrugged to myself, still staring at her backside as I wondered if the blonde would make an appearance at Melanie's party. I mean, it didn't matter if she did, right? It's not like I would go out of my way to talk to her, or to help console her hatred for me. I knew that we would never become anything, much less her letting me hook up with her again.

Sometimes at night I even thought to myself that I regretted messing with June. I didn't want to put up with her petty shit towards me, and I certainly didn't want it affecting our team work ethic during volleyball games.

June always hated me since we were kids, and she's never let go of that stupid grudge against me. I knew that at first, I wanted it to be a little game to get in her pants, but now?

I still wanted to get to know the blonde and it frustrated me to no end.

It's not like I was gaining any feelings for her, but it was more of a less than reciprocated attraction towards her. I wanted every inch of her body, and I wanted it so badly. Maybe my body wanted to play a dangerous game with the straight girl?

I shook my head again, deciding to get up from the courtyard to go to class.

Maybe only time would tell what my role with June would be in the future.


I was really lonely as I wandered Melanie's house by myself.

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