10. Oh

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Adrienne's POV


I stared at the blonde's nonchalant face as she nibbled on a rice noodle, her teeth capturing her bottom lip in the process. I looked away, embarrassed that a simple movement such as to her eating would result in her looking cute.

Riley always looked cute.

Riley has always been my best friend since grade school, despite being complete opposites. While I was carefree and daring, Riley was calculating and competitive. I guess we were drawn to each other, because we each had something that the other lacked. Since she was a child, she was always competitive with her tennis skills, resulting in the estrangement of any potential friendships or relationships. However, I was always there to be her friend through thick and thin. We both knew everything about each other, from our favorite foods to who we lost our virginities to and even the way we like our popcorn at the movie theater (light butter, heavy salt.) Even until now, with my constant hook-ups, she always covered for me and even became my wing-girl in sticky situations.

She has always been my best friend.

Yet, I had to ruin that because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

I blinked, trying to push all my feelings away just because I didn't want to be reminded of them. Ever since Riley went on her scholarship trip, I've been battling with my feelings for the blonde. To make matters worse, since she got back, she didn't mention what happened before she left at all.

She just acted like we were still best friends and that I didn't fuck it up by confessing that I liked her.

I took a bite out of a spring roll as I thought back to the situation I put myself in.


"Riles, you definitely do not need twelve different tennis skirts for this trip. I know you'll only wear about three of them, you always just wear black or white," I lifted up a weird beige colored skirt that still had a price tag. I flipped the tag over and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at the ridiculous $129.99 price tag. "And I definitely hope you got this on sale because who the fuck pays this much for a skirt?"

Her blue eyes gave me an eye roll as she snatched the skirt out of my hands, "My mom bought it for me. You know how she wants to dress me up for my games," she pursed her lips, "but you're right, I would never wear this." She grabbed all the skirts that weren't black or white and shoved them back into her closet.

I took her figure in, my heart clenching at the thought that I'd never have her. Today she was wearing some slimmed down joggers and a tight, white tank top. Her long blonde hair was up in her usual clean ponytail and pulled back by a black Nike headband. She always dressed up in workout clothes, mostly because she was constantly training for tennis.

I kept rummaging through her suitcase when my eyebrow raised in surprise when I brought out a pair of lacy, red underwear with my pointer finger. "The fuck you need this for?" I felt a familiar tug in my gut, wishing I would see her in this, or even better, take her out of something like this.

I watched as her face went red in embarrassment as she snatched them out of my hands. "None of your business."

I pressed further, "What? Planning on hooking up with a stranger on your trip?"

She shook her head, "No, can't I just wear nice things for myself?" I suddenly felt bad, realizing she was right and the only reason why I was teasing her was because I was slightly jealous.

"You can, sorry," I frowned as her face paled and she shoved the undergarment back into her suitcase.

"It's okay, Adrienne," she bit on her lower lip as she sat down next to me on the bed. "I'm going to miss you," she mumbled as she laid down to put her head in my lap. Instinctively, I brushed my fingers along her ponytail as I looked down at her.

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