3. 43 More Seconds

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The next day was complete hell for me. I walked down the hallways with my head bent low in hopes that no one would recognize that little competition I had with Andrews at the party. I also really hope that the little bitch didn't tell the whole student body that she was fingering me in the backroom.

To my good luck, I was fortunate enough to not be able to see the dark-haired slut anywhere, which was kinda weird considering that we had a lot of classes together. Maybe she was embarrassed herself?

But I was embarrassed too. Why did I even let her go that far? Sure, I took a lot of shots and mixed my dark and light alcohols together, but there was definitely still a small part of my conscience that night that knew what Adrienne was doing to me. And did I like it? Why was I contemplating about it while I was sober? Would I do it again while sober?

I didn't even have to ask the last question again to myself...I knew I'd do it again. 

I grimaced thinking about that stupid brunette. I don't think I could ever voluntarily get sexually involved with Adrienne Andrews. She was cold-hearted and stupid and anything that came out of her mouth made me wanted to kill myself.

Besides the fact that every time I thought about that brunette, the place between my legs would throb with an undeniable longing. I never understood it. Maybe it was because I've never been with a girl? Maybe it was because it was a warning? Could I even get past her unruly personality, and her strive to ruin every aspect of my life?

Ugh, I thought. Why did Andrews have to make everything so fucking complicated? Why did she have to utterly ruin my life?

All of my thoughts were interrupted as I collided into a solid mass of a person - or a certain boy that I had a crush on a few days ago.

"Hey!" His blue eyes twinkled as he steadied himself and me from the collision. "Just the girl I've been looking for."

I narrowed my eyes. Why?

"Hi, Connor." I brushed myself off and looked above me, momentarily forgetting how tall he was for a junior in high school. With him standing at a whopping 6'5" and me at a puny 5'3", it kinda was hard to hold a serious conversation with him without sitting down at the same or somewhat same level. "And why have you been looking for me?"

He grinned as he took his left hand to brush through his golden blonde hair. I stared at his handsome face as I remembered the previous night where Adrienne was sucking it off. Ugh.

"Yeah, well. I have a football game this Friday, and I was wondering if you wanted to watch me?"

My eyebrow raised even higher. "You're asking me to watch you during a football game?" I exclaimed in exasperation.

"Yeah, you know, as like a date." He shrugged casually as my mouth kinda hung open a bit. I quickly closed it in disbelief.

"Okay, well, Connor - NO." I started to laugh.

His eyes widened in shock as he took his hand from his head and onto his side. "What? Why not?"

"Well, first of all - that isn't a date. You can't just ask a girl to go on a date with you, but the catch is that the date is her watching you play football - when, I may add, - the game is a public school event so it's an 80% chance that the girl - or me in this case, - will be attending that event." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. How could he waste my time like this? How did I have a crush on this kid in the first place?

"No, I meant that you'd personally watch my game and that you know - we could chill later, depending on if I win or not."

"Yeah, it's still a big fat no. I don't even care if you're the quarterback, you could've thought of ten thousand other ways to ask me out. And secondly, I watched you make out with Adrienne Andrews the other day at that party."

As if the kid's eyes couldn't widen anymore, his cheeks also blushed a soft pink at the mention of Adrienne's name. "Uh...yeah, about that." He looked around nervously at the other students walking around the halls, probably hoping that they wouldn't catch what he was about to say (even though I hoped they caught him trying to ask me out because that shit was pathetic.)

"My friend Blake actually dared her to make out with me for a couple minutes, because she lost first in Fortnite." My eyes narrowed at him as he nervously coughed.


"You know, Fortnite- Battle Royale...where about one-hundred players jump off of a plane onto an island and fight for their lives to take the number on-"

I punched his shoulder in irritation. "I know what Fortnite is, Connor! I'm not stupid!"

"Ow." He mumbled as he rubbed his arm.

Gosh, he was such a pussy.

"I was saying that why the hell did your friend dare the notorious lesbian to make out with you?"

"Because, as I said she lost in-"

"WELL I KNOW THAT NOW. I'M ASKING WHY DID HE SPECIFICALLY DARE HER TO KISS YOU INSTEAD OF SOME OTHER STUPID DARE." I huffed out in irritation, earning a few looks from some people passing us by or standing by their lockers.

"Ohhh...Because I think she's hot. And he thought she was hot, so you know, helping a bro out ya'know?"

I mentally slapped myself on the forehead. Why did I like this guy again?

"Okay, Connor...Yeah, you know...I have to go to Calculus, I'll see you later." I sighed as I adjusted the strap on my backpack and got ready to pass by his idiotic ass.

"Oh, okay, yeah cool..." He hesitated before scratching his blonde head.

"Wait! June!" He yelled out as I was almost about to turn away from him.

"What?" I yelled back as I turned around to look at the dork.

"Was that a no to Friday then?" He grinned unknowingly.

Instead of answering, I flipped him off before turning into another hallway.

Gosh, I hated boys.




"Adrienne, it's four in the afternoon already. How are you not sober still?" Alex mumbled as my head was cast down on the old, sticky table in Starbucks.

I mean, she was right, I was kinda being lame for feeling like shit throughout the whole day. I knew I shouldn't have drank that much on her birthday, but at the moment, I was kinda thinking it was a good idea.

Plus the look on June Parker's face after the room incident was priceless.

But, besides that fact, I still felt like shit, and now I was paying the consequences for it.

I lifted my head up solemnly as I took a sip from my caramel soy milk latte, instantly loving the caffeine slowly enter my system. "It was a rough night, sis." I mumbled as I returned my head back onto the table.

She rolled her eyes, "You tell me about rough nights, Adrienne. I had to babysit some random kid at my 24th birthday party."

I raised an eyebrow as I took another sip from my latte. My head hurt like hell and it was a miracle that I was able to go to school today.

"Well, kind of. A kid as in, a girl who was probably in your grade...and when I mean girl, I mean she was really hot and clueless, and I may have dared her to chug two-forty ounces of Smirnoff Ice in like two minutes, but that's beside the point, Adrienne." She laughed nervously as she tapped the table.

I laughed. "What is the point, Alex?"

"Shut up," She mumbled as she took a sip of her gross espresso drink. "What did you end up doing that night anyway? I didn't see you anywhere."

I shrugged, "I was everywhere. Took a few shots in the living room...in the dining room...in dad's office...took a Jack Daniels' shots competition, and now I'm here, hungover as shit in a stupid ole' Starbucks."

"Well, fuck. Sounds like you had fun."

I smiled, "I did..." I said, thinking back to the fragmented memory I had of June under me as she begged me to continue to satisfy her needs...

I raised both of my eyebrows as the devil in question was no more than twenty feet away from me. I dropped the conversation between my sister and I as I swiftly got up from my seat, definitely earning a slap on the head from the residing hangover.

Instead of thinking, my legs strode over to where the light-headed beauty was standing. Today, her hair was in a braid and she was wearing a cropped, lacey tank top and faded jean short-shorts. She completed the look with long ankle socks and Nike pros.

She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"I'll have a non-fat, reduced calorie green tea latte - no whip, made with half soy milk and coconut milk and extra blended for 43 more seconds, please."

I rolled my eyes at her order, of course, a complicated, stuck up girl like her would order something that extravagant.

It seemed as if the Starbucks employee thought the exact same thing I was thinking as she slowly put in her order with a long sigh.

I smirked as I trapped the blonde between my arms, her backside leaning against my front as I trapped her between the counter and I. I slid a ten dollar bill to the employee in this process as I grabbed ahold of the beauty's wrists.

"Keep the change as tip please," I said as the employee gratefully nodded without any protests. She walked away quickly to make the complicated drink order.

I felt the blonde stiffen due to the physical contact, and also due to the fact that she probably recognized my voice.

"Hello, beautiful." I whispered in her ear, teasing her by letting my lower lip graze her earlobe. I gently stroked the inner sides of her wrists as I pressed my body to hers.

"What the fuck?" She exclaimed as she forcefully removed herself from my grip and trap between the counter and I. I smirked, knowing that the reaction I elicited from her got her going, (perhaps as a turn on, or a typical June Parker tantrum.)

"What, no hello to me too?" I retorted as she slowly backed up to the station where we would eventually wait for her drink.

"What are you doing here, Andrews?" She muttered as she distanced herself away from me and bit her lower lip out of nervousness. It reminded me of how nervous she got when we were left alone in the room together, or the way she felt when we danced together the night of the party.

Gosh, I wanted to kiss those lips of hers.

"I mean, it's a public Starbucks. Can't I get coffee too?"

She rolled her perfect, chilled grey-blue eyes, "I mean yes, but are you stalking me? Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Well, first of all, I'm not stalking you. I was here before you, how could I be stalking you? Shouldn't I be saying that you're stalking me?"

I watched as her face turned a bright red at my response, probably her realizing how stupid she sounded and how the world doesn't ultimately revolve around June Parker. The light-haired girl turned around to the counter before realizing that her complicated drink order was already ready for her to pick up. She angrily grabbed it off the counter and stuck a straw in it.

"I am not following you! I just wanted my drink for fuck's sake...A coffee without seeing your stupid face. I see you enough already at school and at-"

I grinned, "And when I'm two fingers deep inside of you?" I leaned forward so I could plant a quick kiss onto the right side of her neck, a kiss light enough to send a slight shiver down the beauty's body. However, soon enough, that shiver stiffened her body up as she clenched her green tea latte with a death grip.

"Ad-Adrienne, fuckin-n-g Andrews." She angrily whispered out before I could dodge the non-fat, reduced whatever the hell she ordered drink she came hurling my way. I grunted as I felt the cool sludge slip down my clothes and onto the floor.

Before I could react, she put her finger on my collarbone and poked me hard whilst whispering, "That was a one fucking time thing, and if you think it's going to happen again, then you can go shit yourself because it's not happening. I hate you, and you hate me, so leave me alone and get the hell out of my life." She huffed out before turning on her heels and out of the store.

I was too stunned to react, and by the time the Starbucks employee came around the counter with some rags to clean it up, my sister was already on the scene laughing her butt off.

I glared at her as my sister starting wiping tears from her eyes due to her laughing.

"Wow. Adrienne, I don't know what you did, but that girl either A.) hates your guts or B.) wants to get in bed with you." She paused and started cracking up again, "But either way, I know you messed up."

I rolled my eyes as I hit her lightly, then went to help the employee clean up June's (or technically my mess).

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