6. Good Morning!

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June's POV


My eyelids felt heavy as I tried opening them due to the morning sun that was shining in my face. I let out a yawn and winced as I felt a slight headache begin to form from the lack of sleep. I started to stretch my arms out and open my eyes until my right hand came in contact with a solid being right next to me.

I froze.


I scrambled out of bed and stared at the dark-headed girl that was sleeping at my side. Suddenly, all of the memories from last night started to flood my head. I winced as I remembered how I acted, what we did together, and what we continued doing until seven in the morning.

My head whipped over to the bedstand where my phone was. I quickly grabbed it and looked at the time.


My mouth dropped open in surprise and anger as I looked back over at Adrienne, who was slowly starting to wake up from all the commotion. My heartbeat started to accelerate and my breathing was slightly shallow as I mentally wanted to strangle myself into oblivion.

How could I have slept with Adrienne Andrews? Was I dreaming?

Once her grey eyes started to open to look at me with a cheeky grin, I let out a hiss and grabbed part of the comforter to shield my naked body from her. The result of that caused part of her upper half to be exposed, letting me take in the sight of her bare breasts before me. I could feel my cheeks start aflame as I looked away from her.

"Well, good morning to you, beautiful," She commented with a little laugh as I continued to look away from her speechless. I didn't know if I wanted to yell at her right now, kill her, or run away. I kinda wanted to do all three, except a part of my conscious still wanted to get in bed with her and -

June, stop it! I scolded myself as my eyes roamed the floor to see her shirt from last night on the ground. I carefully picked it up and threw it at the brunette's face, "Put a shirt on," I hissed.

Her eyebrows raised in question, but her shoulders shrugged as she took the shirt and put it on her torso. I bit my lower lip as I could still see her nipples protruding from the thin fabric. What the hell was I doing?

I turned away from her, taking the comforter with me to shield my naked body from her as I walked around the room to look for some clothes. I ignored my bathing suit that was still slightly wet on the floor as I opened a door to a closet. I sighed in relief as I grabbed the first shirt and pants I saw. I looked over my shoulder to see Adrienne smirking at me with her stupid face, so I hastily bundled the comforter around me, pressed the clothes to my body, and ran to the adjacent bathroom to the room. I slammed the door closed and let the blanket drop to the floor as I put on the t-shirt and pants. They were a bit big for me, but they did the trick. All I had to do was get out of this stupid house and get in my car that was parked in the driveway, then get to my house.

I groaned, letting my back hit the bathroom wall as I thought of the events of last night. My neck and face started to heat up as I remembered all the things I had said to her - had begged her to do - and the fact that I had sex with a girl.

And that girl happened to be, Adrienne Andrews.

The girl I really fucking hated.

I honestly couldn't believe that in my lustful state I went so far as to sleep with her last night. I didn't even sleep with her once - or twice, but fuck - I couldn't even remember how many times. I think I lost count after I came for the fourth time...

Wow, I really needed to get laid.

And I enjoyed every second of it. I groaned and let my head fall back against the wall. What the hell was I going to do now?

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