15. Banter

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June's POV


"But, wait a minute- what kind of cookies were they?" Addison inquired as she took a bite out of her bagel sandwich at lunch. I gave her an 'are you serious' look before ignoring her question completely and continuing on with my story.

"Anyway, we decided that we should just hook up for the fun of it." I finalized as Blaire's blue eyes looked at me in shock, while Addison still looked distraught over not being able to find out what kind of cookies my mom made.

I sighed and gave her a pointed look, "They were the chocolate chip Nutella ones she always makes."

Her eyes widened as the dark-headed girl clenched at her heart playfully, "Summer! She's giving her renown cookies to other bitches!"

I frowned, "Stop calling my mom by her first name, and the cookies are not the point of the story, Addy."

Still frustrated, Addison rolled her brown eyes at me, "Okay, okay, enough about the cookies then," she paused, "But, so why don't you two just date? Didn't you say you two were hooking up, exclusively?"

Blaire piped in, "Yeah, I agree. You two have undeniable chemistry, why don't you two just tie the knot together?"

I cringed at the thought as I nibbled on a celery stick, "No, she still annoys the shit out of me. Maybe after getting all of this sexual frustration out, maybe we can move on and just go on about hating each other again."

"Wait, so you mean you don't hate her anymore?" Addison said with raised eyebrows.

"I didn't say that?" I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Blaire interrupted with some random hand movements, "You're fucking the girl, and you basically have a crush on her, and now you're saying you still hate her?"

My mouth dropped open slightly as Addison stood up from her seat, almost causing a scene by attempting to flip the metal picnic table. Instead, her puny tennis muscles slightly bulged against the thin fabric of her workout long-sleeve, then deflated with her sigh of defeat.

"No? Maybe? I don't know what I feel guys. I'm still pissed for everything she has done to me." I tried to ignore Addison as she huffed down in her seat.

"Could you guys please just imagine that I flipped the table? It'll really help with my self-esteem," she mumbled in between breaths as Blaire slapped her upside the head. "Hey!"

"Addison, I'm pretty sure you are the only girl I know with loads of self-esteem." The blonde retorted as Addy rubbed the back of her head.

"Oh sure, because I'm a cheery Asian, way to go for the stereotype, FRIENDS."

I slapped the table in order to grab their attention, the impact stinging my palms a slight amount as I muttered, "Okay, neither of us aimed anything towards your ethnic heritage," I said as I looked at Addy then over to Blaire, "And you, stop getting her all sidetracked."

Her freckled face looked over at me blankly, "What were we talking about again?"

Addison piped up again, "We're talking about June's new booty call!" My head whipped around the courtyard, making sure no one heard her loud outburst. Once I was satisfied that no one was paying attention to us, I gave her a glare.

"We're done talking about Adrienne. Can I just finish my food in peace?" After a moment of silence, they both nodded and continued to eat their meals peacefully. I sighed in content, getting ready to take a bite out of my sandwich until Addison interrupted the silence once again by shrieking like a hyena.

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