BONUS - Moving In

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Adrienne's POV


"And, that's the last of it" I huffed out once I dropped the last of June's moving boxes onto her comforter. I rolled my eyes at the blonde, who was just scrolling through her phone while lounging on her stomach. Oblivious to my apparent work, she was bobbing her head to each side as she sipped on her favorite Starbucks treat.

"Earth to June?" I said aloud and nudged her side a little harshly - I mean, she did make me unload her car with all of her belongings without helping me in the slightest bit. (All she did was prop open her dorm room with one of the boxes, then pretended to sort through it half-heartedly, then made her bed so she could lounge on it.)

She blinked and then placed her drink at the side of her bed. "Did you know that this isn't a latte?"

I gave my girlfriend a strange look, "What?"

"When I went to the Starbucks around here and told them my order, they gave me a weird look and told me what I was looking for was a frappuccino. Apparently, lattes are served hot?" My lips formed into a smile as I let out a small laugh, knowing that she's been fucking up her order every time she went to buy it. Honestly, the poor employee that usually made her drink probably didn't find it worthwhile to correct her each time.

"Interesting, did you still make them blend it for an extra 43 seconds?"

Furrowing her eyebrows together as if she was appalled to even hear that I asked, "Of course! I hate when there are extra ice chunks."

I rolled my eyes at her spoiled nature, "So, princess, are you going to help me any time soon?" I started to unpack the boxes on her bed, pulling out random pieces of clothing and picture frames of her friends and family.

We both started school in a couple of days. Since June decided to move into the dormitories, she was obligated to start moving before the school year. Her dorm room was quite spacious. She opted to have one of the bigger rooms, where each roommate had a separate room and a small living room between them. There was also a little kitchen that I thought was quite cute, but I knew the size of this whole room was probably equivalent to the closet June harbored back home.

I knew she was thinking twice about moving onto campus.

"Ugh, can't we do it later? I'm so tired. Those boxes were so heavy" she sighed in exasperation while I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You picked up one box. I did the rest of the work for you."

She bit down on her bottom lip, "And you did it so well, I'm sorry, you know that my arms are so weak." She tried to pout and even jiggled her arm around as a melodramatic effect. I shook my head and decided to laugh at her weak excuse.

"What? No thank you, for me?" I teased.

Raising her eyebrows and sitting up onto her knees, she leaned towards me so she could give me a quick peck on the lips, "Thank you, babe."

"You're welcome, princess," I sighed, feeling the familiar tingles sink through my skin and wrapping sensations around my heartstrings. I completely forgot about the fact that she totally took advantage of me. "So, are we going to unpack your stuff right now?"

She blew out a breath, "I really don't want to." Her grey eyes lightened up at an idea that stayed at the tip of her tongue.

"Come on, let's do it before your roommate also moves in. Let's just get it over with." I looked at my beautiful girlfriend, chewing on the side of my cheek as I took in her dark, skin-tight leggings and the black t-shirt that barely reached the edge of her hip bones. The patch of skin that showed between the two garments tantalized my mind with memories and fantasies pertaining to my girlfriend.

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