BONUS SPIN OFF - Melanie/Addison

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Hi all! 

This scene takes place in Chapter 16. Bathroom, except it is in the POV of Melanie Canon as she is left alone with Addison at the restaurant. (While Adrienne and June are ya know in the bathroom). 

Warning: This scene contains vulgar language and sexual talk, but no smut. Just talk. 

I've always wanted to do a short spin-off about Melanie/Addison just because they're such a funny/light-hearted couple. Weren't you guys curious how they started to date? 

Enjoy (:

Melanie's POV


I watched Adrienne follow after an angry June until both of their figures disappeared into the bathroom. I leaned back in my seat as I groaned knowing they were probably getting some great action make-up sex.

"They're probably fucking," Addison blurted out loud - actually, loud enough for the people in the booth next to us give us a strange look before returning to their food. I looked at the dark-haired girl in shock. She was definitely a bold one considering she's been accepting my flirting advances and also managed to touch my chest within the hour of knowing her.

I openly looked at Addison. Her hair was down past her shoulders, which cradled her face nicely and showed the lightly, accented dimples on the sides of her mouth. Her lips were partly opened as if to ask a question, but she quickly closed them and replaced it with a smile. Her cheekbones were accented nicely, and I decided in my head that her smile just lit up her face.

How have I not already tried to make a move on her? Considering all the people I knew - or all the people I've been with, how have I not seen this girl in the halls? Sure, I might have seen her with June Parker and Blaire Felt every once in a while - but never this close. But, now - would it feel right to make a move on her? Sure, I've been flirting with her a little bit to keep the conversations going, but if I actually fucked her - would it work in my favor? Or would that cause unwanted attention with June's friend group?

If I was overthinking things already, then it probably was a sign to not act upon it.

"Is it true that June walked in on Adrienne's face smothered between your legs in the locker room?" I was brought back into reality as I looked at the black-haired girl in absolute shock. How the hell did she know that?

"What? Excuse me?"

She breathed in and said even louder, "Is it true that June walked in on Adrienne's face smothered between y-" My eyes widened as I made a motion for her to quiet down.

"Sh!" I pressed my lips together and looked around in hopes that we weren't getting any unwanted attention. "How did you know about that?"

She shrugged, "I may have read June's sex diary," she paused with a slight grin on her face, "so, it's true? Adrienne fucked you in the public locker room?"

What was up with this girl? "I- uh, I suppose so." Wait, June kept a sex diary? What? To draw myself away from the conversation, I took a sip of my water.

"Did you cum?" Except I instantly spat it back into my cup as she said that. "I mean, considering she interrupted it, then you must not have?"

I blinked, "I really don't think I should be telling you whether I came or not?"

She shrugged, "Why not? It's just sex isn't it. Aren't you known for having loads of sex?"

I looked around the restaurant, then I looked towards the direction of the bathroom as I hoped June or Adrienne would turn up soon. Addison, despite being scary straight-forward, was probably right about them having sex in the bathroom.

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