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Snow. It's everywhere. It sleeps in thick coats, dressing the dim streets of Seoul. The usually black maze of winding streets and never-ending buildings now glimmer white and sparkle in the moonlight. Huge curses of excruciatingly bright billboards scream at the ever moving sea of buzzing transport of all forms that never stops and ignores the surroundings of the chaotic city.

The bitterly cold beauty freezes fingers and coats the concrete conveyer belts that the vast population of Seoul travel along each day. The thin layer of winter transforms into a deadly splash of ice and turn the usually safe streets into a death trap.

You glance out at the winter wonderland from the safety of your couch and let out a deep sigh. A sudden clicking sound draws your attention back to the ongoing conversation you were the centre of.

"Y/N? Are you listening to what we said?" Your mother squawks as she paces before you. Her hair is tightly tied into a bun that sits proudly on the top of her stretched out face. Her hands are just as tightly clasped behind her back, mimicking the vicelike grip her lips had on each other.

"I sort of heard..." You grumble softly as you tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your mother's lips that closely resembled a sharp line curl downwards into a scowl as she stops dead in her tracks.

"Marriage is not a choice! Not in this age- not ever!" She cries out and flails her bone thin hand out towards your half asleep father who instantly jolts up. "Why do you think I ended up with him?" She continues as her pin small eyes bore into you.

"Dear, I really think we should let her choose." Your father sighs groggily as he runs a hand through what little wisps of hair protruded from his large head. Your mother's eyes snake towards the large man and thin out to almost nothing.

"I intend to ensure her success and if she chooses a husband, well- she will never be successful!" Your mother wails viciously. You cross your arms angrily and let out a large huff, one that you hope your devilish mother hears. And she does.

"I have rights." You fight back at your mother's sharp words. Her face instantly twists into one of pure rage as her eyes once again snap onto you.

"Not yet, you don't. You are barely old enough to have rights, Y/N." She growls at you hurtfully. You scoff and push yourself from the chair, staring straight at the woman before you.

"I at least have the right to know the man I'm being betrothed to!" You yell at her. A sudden curling of her lips sends horrible shivers down your spine and straightens your whole body out.

"You will meet him tonight at the family meal." She sneers at you before turning to your father who once again, was almost asleep. "Take her out to get appropriate dress wear." She commands the older male. He lets out a long, heavy sigh before heaving himself from the chair.

"Come on, Princess." Your father smiles lightly as he wraps an arm around your waist. You shoot your mother one last glare as your father drags you towards the door. "Don't worry about her. I'll make sure he's suitable for you." Your father whispers as he pulls open the barricade between you and the icy outdoor world.

A blast of artic air hits your body and instantly freezes your blood. You begin to tremble as your father swiftly leads you to the simple car parked in the snowy drive. You climb in the second he unlocks the doors and shut it just as quickly.

As you rush down the street, you watch the white and grey world blur by. There was a war raging in your head as the cars heaters scream out warm air.

You always dreamed when you got married it would be to the love of your life, but you never found him. Your knight in shining armour never appeared and your mother did not take it well. She demanded she chose your marriage partner and surely enough she did, despite your protests.

It didn't take very long to reach the fancy dress shop that you were going to be stuck in for the next hour or so. It confused you how you'd ever be able to afford anything from this rich place with your family's status.

You breath in deeply before stepping out of the car and rushing across the icy street into the impressive shop. Your eyes widen immediately as shades from every corner of the rainbow fill your vision, scattered with diamonds and small gems here and there.

Your body is drawn to a silver dress with white lace arms and gems creeping up the hem of the dress. You mindlessly feel the silky fabric as your eyes take in the gorgeous garment before you.

"Y/N, don't touch." Your father calls harshly, pulling you out of your gem filled daze. You nod slowly and step back, crashing into something hard.

That something grunts deeply and pushes you back roughly. You whip your head around and your eyes meet a pair of light, cocoa gems. Surrounding those gems was the most perfect face you had ever seen in your life, but it was twisted into a mask of disgust.

"Watch where your going." The man spits at you angrily. You scan his perfect features as he growls down at you as if you were scum. You didn't care though- this man was a god.

His round face held the most perfect features you'd ever laid eyes on. The roundness was cut short by a blade sharp jawline that you could cut diamonds with. His soft, plump lips were pulled back into a sinister sneer which puffed up his rounded cheeks. Those brown diamanté eyes were soft around the edges with a sharp darkness that was his eyelashes.

"I- Uh Sorry." You mumble out as your eyes widen in realisation. You had just walked straight into this man and hadn't even apologised for it. He scanned your casual clothes before strutting out of the shop in his expensive looking suit.

"You know, I could have sworn that he looks familiar. Maybe he's your new husband?" Your father chuckles, clapping you on the back. You stare at the door in which the god like man had exited through and nod slowly. "Let's find you that dress." He grumbles softly as he begins to push you around the colourful shop of expensive silk and cloth.

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