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Your eyes widen as Hoseok's lips connect with yours and your dull, drink mind finally realised that it wasn't a hallucination. Hoseok's eyes were closed as he kissed you mercilessly, awaiting your kiss back which comes quickly. You close your eyes and throw your arms around his neck as you suddenly deepen the kiss and slip your tongue into his mouth. Yoongi lets out an overly-obnoxious gagging sound before Hoseok pulls away with a grin and pulls you in for a hug.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I spent a lot of time thinking when I was alone and I realised you're more important then my mom. Besides, it's her fault that she is ill. My brother can look after her, if she needs someone that badly- he's just got back from holiday with his girlfriend. I came to find you because I love you, peanut. I don't want to lose you over something so petty. Will you forgive me, bearing in mind you probably have no idea what's going on in your state." Hoseok admits brightly as he holds you tightly in his arms. You smile just as brightly as you weakly clutch onto him before letting out a small squeak.

"Yep! I forgive you~" You sing drunkly into his ear as Yoongi smacks his head down onto the bar and groans loudly. "Sowwy, Yoongles. I'll come see you again. I want to go home, Hobi." You pout as you rest your head on Hoseok's shoulder so you can see Yoongi who just waves a hand at you and pulls out his phone to call Taehyung over.

"Dear me, peanut. I never thought I'd see you in such a state. Lets get you home and in the bath, what do you say." Hoseok asks you softly as he slips his arm under your legs and picks you up swiftly. You giggle at the sudden movement before you spot a sweaty Jimin and Taehyung quickly moving your way. Hoseok lets out a long, deep sigh before glancing towards the door quickly. "They can't even keep clean in a club. I definitely think it's time to go." He quickly whispers to you before scurrying towards the entrance to escape the couple.

"Will you get in with me, Hobi?" You ask childishly as he shuffles towards his car and tries to get his keys out of his pocket while holding you. He hums softly before gently putting you down to grab his keys while holding your hand so you don't run off. You yelp suddenly when you feel something cold and wet drop into your forehead before a large snowflake passes your eyes. "It's snowing again!" You exclaim as Hoseok finally gets his keys and drags you towards the car with a big smile.

"I hope it doesn't settle. Luckily, the last lot melted quickly but it's cold tonight." Hoseok replies to you softly as he unlocks the car and pulls you over to the passenger seat before opening the door and helping you inside. You rest your head on the widow as your head pounds deeply while Hoseok climbs into the car and starts it up.

"My head hurts." You pout and close your eyes as Hoseok quickly drives out of the club carpark. He chuckles deeply by your side and gently takes your hand in his before planting a big kiss on it. You giggle lightly and open your eyes to look over at him as he drove and he does the same, his smile brightening.

"It will do, your absolutely wasted. You need a bath, food and sleep." Hoseok replies softly as he lets go of your hand to hold the steering wheel because the roads were getting slippery. You watch him as he bites his lip slightly nervously and slows down his speed while peering past the moving windshield wipers.

"It's just snow, silly." You laugh softly as you pat his leg and lean your head against the window once more and close your eyes. Hoseok can't help but smile as he glances over at you as a small snore falls from your mouth before focusing on the road once more. He pulls the car carefully up to the house and gently shakes your shoulder once the car has stopped. "Nooooooo. I'm tired." You whine as you try to slap Hoseok's hand away but miss him completely.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty. You need a clean, like now." Hoseok laughs softly as he lets go of you to climb out of the car and shuffle over to your side of the car, snow gently settling on him as he stepped out into the air. You groan deeply as the door suddenly opens and the freezing air hits you.

"No, go away!" You whine as you force your eyes open only to see Hoseok's face right up in front of yours. He pulls a funny face at you before unclipping your belt and lifting you out of the car. "Oh my god, Hoseok. You suckkk!" You complain as he kicks the door shit with his hip and manages to lock the car while holding you.

"Thank you, babe. I love you too." Hoseok replies sarcastically as he throws open the front door and chucks you onto the couch before closing the door and locking it quickly. "I'm all covered in snow now." He whines as you lay on the couch and groan because your head was spinning again. "Oh, shush." He laughs deeply as he pats your head gently and rushes off to the bathroom to start running your bath as you slowly drift off on the sofa.

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