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"Hoseok, where are we going?" You frown deeply as you look down the street from the car window. Hoseok chuckles softly as he reaches over and gently takes your hand in his. You look over at him and blush as he glances over at you momentarily before focusing on the road once more.

"I already said, i'm gonna show you off." Hoseok rolls his eyes as if it was an obvious question and squeezes your hand. You frown deeper and keep your eyes on him as you try to decipher him.

"Show me off where? And how?" You ask suspiciously as Hoseok begins to trace circles on your hand with his thumb. He glances over at you with a smile and shakes his head slowly.

"Shush and find out." Hoseok mumbles as he keeps his focus on the road. You groan loudly and slump in your seat, your hand still intertwined with his. You turn down a street to where rows of massive houses sat perfectly separated from one another with huge fences. Hoseok quickly pulls into one near the start of the street and turns off the car and turns to you with a smile.

"Who's house is this?" You ask softly as he releases his hand and climbs out of the car. You quickly follow suit and keep your eyes glued on him as he heads towards the door. You rush behind him, struggling to keep up with his long strides and sigh deeply.

"Just wait and see, peanut. God your impatient." Hoseok rolls his eyes as he stops walking and slides his hand around your waist. You blush as he plants a kiss on your forehead and begins to walk you towards the house. Hoseok knocks quickly on the door and pulls you closer as you wait for the door to open.

"Hoseok?" A familiar deep voice suddenly pops up out of no where. You and Hoseok both spin around to see Taehyung with bags of groceries and a puzzled expression.

"Is anyone in?" Hoseok asks softly as he pulls you closer to him again. Taehyung chuckles softly as he walks towards the door and nods quickly. He then stops on the spot and groans deeply.

"Where's he gone now? Hold on- and cover your ears." Taehyung sighs as he rolls his eyes and puts down the bags in front of the door. You and Hoseok exchange confused glances before putting your hands over your ears. "KOOOOOKKIIIEEEEE!" Taehyung suddenly screams out into the street.

"I'M COMING TAETAE!" Another familiar voice screams back. Jungkook soon comes into view as he runs down the street, panting heavily. "Cute...dog." He pants as he stumbles up to Taehyung and points down the street.

"Really?" Taehyung giggles as he hands Jungkook a bag of groceries and pushes open the door. You look at Hoseok with a frown just as he does the same and you burst into laughter as you follow the two boys into the house. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear Beyoncé playing and someone screaming along with it.

"Lord, Jin's at it again. He must be cleaning." Hoseok rolls his eyes as he links his hand with yours. You giggle as you softly hum along to the song.

"Beyoncé is good though." You chuckle softly as you look up at Hoseok who was already looking at you. You blush deeply and look back down at the floor as you continue to follow the two before you.

"Why didn't you tell me about the dog?" Taehyung whines as he carries the groceries in both arms with a pout. Jungkook rests his head on Taehyung's shoulder for a moment before sighing softly.

"I'm sorry. I got exited." Jungkook pouts back at Taehyung as a mischievous grin crosses the oldest face.

"You'll be exited tonight when-" Taehyung starts but is cut off by Jin's sudden scream as his music cuts off. He suddenly rushes out of the kitchen, his face bright red and points at the two boys before you.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Jin yells as he snatches the groceries of Jungkook and Taehyung who stand frozen to the spot with wide eyes. You giggle as you clutch Hoseok's hand and glance up at him.

He was smiling brightly, his eyes sparkling as he looked at his best friends. You could see the love he had for them and it melted your heart as you looked up at him. He looked so amazing from this angle, almost as if he was shining.

Like the sun.

"Um well, Jungkookie got distracted by sweets and-" Taehyung mumbles but is cut off again by sudden angry stomping. A look of fear crosses all of the boys faces- including Hoseok- and they all look up to the ceiling.

"Did we just wake Yoongi Hyung?" Hoseok asks cautiously as the footsteps near the stairs and the boys all gravitate together for safety, Hoseok still clinging to you.

"I think so." Jungkook whispers as he wraps his arms around Taehyung from behind. A sudden crashing sound comes down the stairs and an infuriated, half asleep Yoongi comes into view at the bottom of them.

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