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Hoseok smiles softly as he holds a bowl of ramen in his hand and looks at you sleeping. He walks quickly over to the desk, being careful not to make an noise and gently places down the pot next to you. He then slowly pulls out the chair, pulling you away from the desk and keeping his light smile.

It was nice. He liked seeing you so peaceful. You were gorgeous in his eyes, so much prettier then those many girls he's slept with previously. He didn't want to just use you like he wanted to use them, he wanted to hold you. He wanted to cup your face and give you light kisses on those perfectly shaped lips of yours.

But he was nervous. Something about you made him shy. There was an electric spark between the two of you and it was strange to him. He thought that maybe if he kept up his reputation of being a playboy you wouldn't like him and so far it was working. That was good- if you didn't like him then he wouldn't fall for you. He couldn't fall for you. He would just hurt you.

Hoseok bends down by you and slides one hand under your legs and the other behind your back. He then stands up and carefully picks you up in his arms bridal style. The looks down at the small pout you had on your sleeping face and smiles brightly. You were adorable. He lowers his head to give to a kiss on the head but stops immediately.

You can't fall for her Hoseok.

He slowly pulls away and walks over to the bed, not looking down at you. You stir softly in his arms as he lowers you down and gently places you on the bed. You groan softly and stretch out, reaching for whoever was just holding you but Hoseok had already stepped back.

Hoseok sighed as he took your ramen pot and left the room, closing the door silently. He makes his way down to the kitchen and sits at the table alone, eating the pot of noodles.

Your eyes slowly open a few hours later and you stretch out on the soft sheets of the bed. Wait- bed? You were at the desk when you fell asleep.  Did Hoseok move you to the bed? No way. He wouldn't do that.

You slowly sit up with a yawn and look over at your PC which was now turned on and telling updates were finished. You sigh softly and pull yourself off the bed just as your stomach growled angrily. You put a hand to your belly and decide the computer can wait for your stomach so you head towards the door.

You rest your hand on the door handle for a moment as you try to figure out why you had moved but just shrug it off. You open the door and step out into the silence of the house. You frown deeply as you listen out for Hoseok but hear no sounds at all.


You begin to walk down the stairs but stop suddenly as the sound of gunfire rings out into the house. You rush downstairs to where the source of the sound was with panic rising in your chest. You slam open the door to the main room and the panic is instantly replaced with anger.

Hoseok is sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, playing a shooting game. He had an open packet of Cheetos by him and half a bowl of ramen. Sat on the couch was two males you had never seen in your life.

You march over to Hoseok and slap him hard on the back of his head. He pauses the game quickly and him and the two other men look up at you with confusion.

"You woke me up! And Who is this?" You yell at the man sat before you. He frowns for a moment before jumping up off the ground and points to one of the men.

"This is Jungkook." Hoseok announces as he points to a young boy with black hair. He smiles happily and gives you a little wave. You smile softly at him and follow Hoseok's hand to the next boy. "This is Yoongi hyung." Hoseok proclaims as the blue haired man he was pointing to holds his hand up in a sort of wave. You wave back slightly then turn back to Hoseok with anger.

"Why are they in our house?" You growl as you rub your sleepy eyes. Hoseok sighs and runs a hand through his hair as the two boys on the couch look awkwardly at each other.

"This isn't even all of them, Y/N. Plus I am aloud to have friends." Hoseok crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow at you. You shake your head and scoff at him as he smiles innocently.

"Well as long as you turn the TV down I'm fine." You mumble as you turn on your heel and march out of the room. You close the door behind you and hover on the other side of it, curious as to what the boys would say.

"She's hot, Hobi. Congrats." A growling voice mumbled. That must have been Yoongi. You shake your head and decided you didn't want to listen anymore so you start up the stairs, back to the safety of your room.

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