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"Now, now Yoongi. What have i told you?" Jin steps towards the fuming blue haired boy with his hands out in front of him, glancing back at you and the boys with worried expressions. 

"And what have i told you?" Yoongi growls back as he crosses his arms and narrows his eyes on you. "Why is she here?" Jin stops in his tracks with a deep frown and spins on his heel, his eyes widening when he spots you.

"When did you get here?!" Jin yells as he points a finger at you. You giggle softly as Hoseok puts an arm around your shoulder and smiles.

"Same time I did." Hoseok chuckles softly as he glances over at Yoongi who looks like he was about to explode. Jin runs a hand through his hair frustrated and groans.

"She's small so I didn't see her. Like when I can't see Jimin or-" Jin is quickly cut off by Yoongi growling angrily as he stomps towards Jin.

"Don't you dare say i'm short." Yoongi grumbles as he looks up at Jin who was biting his lip to stop him laughing. You put a hand over your mouth to silence your giggles as you look at how short Yoongi was compared to Jin.

"I mean- sure fine. Go back to bed." Jin rolls his eyes as Yoongi nods and stomps off back up the stairs, slamming his door when he finally got to his room. As the loud bang rang out, everyone released the laughter they had been holding in.

"He's always been like that." Hoseok chuckles as he watches Jin grab the groceries from Taehyung and Jungkook and  carry them into the kitchen.

"Hyung, can we go play games now?" Taehyung asks sweetly as he puts on a huge boxy smile. Jin pauses to look at him then nods, a smile of his own crossing his face. Jungkook and Taehyung cheer before running off to their room, pushing and tripping each other on the way.

"Kids." Jin mutters under his breath with a smile as he unpacks the groceries. "So you are Hoseok's new thing then?" He suddenly pauses to look at you and scan you from head to toe before continuing what he was doing.

"She's not a 'new thing' hyung. She's my fiancé." Hoseok defends as he crosses his arms. You glance up at Hoseok and internally pray that he doesn't get mad like he has done before.

"Well that's the same thing. Listen here, whatever your name is. If you hurt my son, you'll regret it." Jin warms as he shoots a dangerous glance your way. You gulp and nod quickly, looking back up at Hoseok who was smiling.

"I'm not your son. Your not much older then I am." Hoseok chuckles as he unfolds his arms and wraps them around you and You smile as you sink into his warmth.

"Your all my sons. I basically act like your mom anyway." Jin announces as he waves around a packet of ramen. He then lets out a frustrated groan and throws them down on the counter. "Where does this go?" Jin asks exasperated as he pulls out more packets.

"You should know, you're our mom." Hoseok chuckles as he lets go of you and glides over to a cupboard full of those packets. Jin's eyes widen as his jaw drops, seeing how many packets of ramen they already had.

"Those damn boys buying whatever they feel like buying and ignoring the list like they always do, seriously- TAEHYUNG! JUNGKOOK! HERE, NOW!" Jin suddenly cuts himself off mid rant and you flinch at how loud his voice could get. You hear two huge groans before the sound of barefeet running on the wood echoes through the room.

"Let's go before we die too." Hoseok suddenly grabs your hand and tugs you to the door as Jin focuses all his attention on the two boys before him.

"WE ALREADY HAD RAMEN! DID YOU EVEN LOOK AT THE LIST?" Jin yells as you rush out the door behind Hoseok who suddenly stops in his tracks, making you crash into his back.

"Jin hyung! Remember Yoongi is sleeping!" Hoseok yells in as Jin's angry yelling continues. "I don't think he heard me." Hoseok shrugs his shoulders and inhales deeply, ready to yell even louder when you suddenly clamp your hand over his mouth.

"Listen." You mutter as a loud crash comes from the higher floor of the house. "Yoongi's up." You add as you let go of Hoseok's mouth.

"Let's go." Hoseok whispers as he grabs your hand and pulls you to the car, the yelling still going out. It suddenly goes silent before you hear a familiar, angry voice.

"JIN! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Yoongi screams out as you stop by the car and look at the house. You giggle softly as you see shadows running around the house after one another as the yelling continues.

"Come on, let's go." Hoseok smiles softly as he opens the car door for you and gestures to it. You look at the door, then Hoseok before shaking your head and walking past him with a smile.

"I fancy going for a walk." You call back at him as he stands with the car door still open, leaning on the car with a confused expression. He shrugs before slamming the door shut, locking the car and running to your side.

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