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You tense up instantly as Hoseok's soft lips touch yours. His warm breath hovers between the gap of your mouths before he tilts his head to deepen the kiss. Your eyes open wise as he brings his hand up to your cheek.

Do I kiss back? What do I do?

You begin to panic at the situation so you do the only thing that seemed suitable at the moment. You slowly let your eyes flicker closed an allow your lips to move with the dance Hoseok's were doing. He smirks as he kisses you before you feel his tongue run along the edge of your bottom lip. You gasp as his tongue then enters your mouth and his free hand sits on the small of your back.

What was going on? Everything happened so fast. Why was he now kissing you? What about friends?

You allow your body to melt into his and do what it wishes, despite what your brain screamed for it to do. Your hands mindlessly crawl to his neck and hair and you grip onto him softly as he rummages your mouth with his tongue. He reluctantly removes his tongue after a while and sits back to look at you. You both breath heavily as your hands drop to your sides.

"Friends, huh?" You act cool as Hoseok runs a hand through his hair with a huge smirk on his face. You bite your lip as you allow your eyes to scan his entire body without shame. As your eyes lower, they stop at his crotch immediately. You could see the bulge of his hard member sitting in his pants as he smirks at you. You quickly look back up to his eyes and he chuckles softly.

"You kissed me first." Hoseok smiles proudly as he shuffles in his seat and starts the car up again. Your eyes widen as you realise he was right and you blush deeply.

"I had to. There was no way you'd leave those other girls otherwise. Besides, you just made the first move!" You defend as Hoseok slowly backs the car out of the alley. He chuckles softly and glances down at you as you cross your arms and sulk.

It wasn't fair. He couldn't blame you for breaking your own rule. It's his fault anyway- he couldn't keep his eyes off someone else.

Why did you even care anyway? He wasn't yours. You weren't together. This wasn't your choice to marry him so why were you getting so jealous?

"I did it so I could see how you'd react." Hoseok admits slowly. Your eyes widen and your head snaps to look at him. He nods slightly as he glances over at you.

"Why?" You frown deeply as you look ahead at the passing streets. Hoseok hums softly in thought as you bite your lip, anticipating the answer.

"Because now I know you don't like being replaced." Hoseok announces. You frown even more and cross your arms tighter.

So what if he knew that? Everyone feels like that. It's a normal thing. People don't like being replaced or left. It's just how people work.

"Yeah well, now I know that you are a womaniser." You fight back with a deep scowl on your face. Hoseok blurts out a sudden laugh that makes you jump and shakes his head slowly.

"Am I now?" He smirks as he approaches your street. You hum in agreement and he nods slowly with a smile.

"Your reputation is pretty accurate from what I can guess." You mumble as you unclip your seatbelt, ready to get out of the car.

"What's that then?" Hoseok raises an eyebrow as he pulls into your driveway and parks up the car. You scoff, not believing that he didn't know and open your door to climb out. Hoseok quickly reaches over and closes the door so you can't leave. "We aren't finished talking yet." He growls dangerously. He then leans back and his face lightens up once more.

"Your the biggest playboy in Seoul." You reply as you tap your foot impatiently. Hoseok laughs once more and slowly nods.

"Probably." He shrugs and let's go of the door handle. You raise an eyebrow at him as he unbuckles his belt and climbs out of the car. You sigh and follow his lead, heading towards the house after him.

"So what am I to you? A toy?" You ask curiously as he opens up the house and glides straight for the sofa. You hear him chuckle softly as you close the door.

"No. Not yet anyway. The rest of those girls before were but I haven't decided on you yet." Hoseok smirks sexily at you as you walk over to the couch where he was sitting. You raise an eyebrow at him and shake your head.

"Great. Thanks, bud." You roll your eyes and march towards the kitchen. As you walk past Hoseok, he grabs your wrist and tugs on your arm which causes you to tumble back and land on your butt on the floor.

"Your mine remember. You are whatever I want you to be." Hoseok leans down and whispers in your ear, tightening his grip on your wrist. You nod quickly and he releases, sliding his hand under his head and sighing happily. You quickly stand up and rush into the kitchen before he can do anything more.

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