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You internally scream as you force a bright smile on your face. You try to smile as attractively as possible, afraid your usual stupid smile would make your soon-to-be husband think you are stupid. Your knees go weak below your body and you begin to sweat profusely. Your chest begins to tighten and your breathing becomes shorter and shallower.

No, not now.

Your history of having panic attacks was well known and it wasn't about to be let up now. Your body begins to go into shut-down mode as your eyes are held tightly by the man's before you. You gulp heavily, begging yourself to stay calm for at least an hour.

With another softer smile, your body relaxes and the attack washes away momentarily. You let out a minuscule sigh of relief as you tilt your head down towards the ground. You then bend over in an elegant bow towards the people before you and let your smile drop as your curled hair drops in front of your face. The second you begin to straighten, you replace the smile once more.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you." You chime cheerfully. All this acting was wearing you out already and you hadn't even eaten yet. The slouched boy rolls his eyes and rests his head on the back of his hand.

"Ah, ah!" His mother squeaks out as she spots his terrible table manner. "What have we told you, Hoseok?" She calls out to him, her voice sweetening instantly when she speaks his name. Why couldn't your mother be like that?

"Elbows off the table?" Hoseok mutters back, half closing his eyes with a deep breath. His mother nods and he removes his arm, placing his hands on his lap. He then straightens his back and looks towards you once more.

And then he smiles.

Your heart explodes. Right there and then, the whole of your insides explode simultaneously. The way that his lips pull back into the gorgeous bow-like shape melts your heart into a puddle. His lips are so perfectly shaped and you could have sworn they have been carved by an angel along with the rest of his face. He continues to smile as he slowly pushes himself from the chair and glides towards you and your parents. He gracefully passes you and heads towards your mother with stern eyes.

"It's a pleasure." His once grumpy voice is now replaced with a lighter one that floats through the air softly. He gently takes your mother's hand and kisses is lightly as she chuckles softly.

"So polite!" She praises him as he moves towards your father and his grin widens slightly.

"And of course, you too." Hoseok chimes as he firmly shakes your father's hand. The handshake is rough and manly as the two chuckle.

"Strong I see. That's good for our Y/N." Your father smiles happily as he looks towards you. Your eyes raise to look at the patterned ceiling as your hear footsteps nearing you.

I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. That smile is gonna-

Hoseok's stunning face suddenly comes into view and his smile widens hugely. Something about the smile seems different though. Almost as if he was smirking at you, saying that you were his. Claiming you.

You gulp as he slowly drops to one knee and his silk hand slides around yours. He gently pulls your hand towards his lips and kisses slowly and heavily. His lips are hot and soft on your cold hands. The kiss causes you to shiver lightly, goosebumps making an appearance along your arms and legs. An electric buzz runs between your body and his as his lips stay on your delicate skin for longer then expected.

"Y/N. Such a pretty name." Hoseok smirks up at you as he stands and slips his hand around your waist. You flinch slightly at the sudden movement and resist the urge to let out the small squeal rising in your throat. You then begin to move. Your legs unconsciously begin to move forward as Hoseok puts light pressure on your back and walks you towards the table.

He rushes forwards, letting go of you and pulls out the chair next to him. You smile politely at him, avoiding his eyes and perch on the expensive seat. Your parents join quickly and sit next to you at the extremely long table in silence.

"Is everyone ready to eat?" Hoseok's father asks cheerfully as he sits in his chair with a huge smile. Everyone nods and his father beams even more. "Perfect." He chuckles before raising his hands and clapping loudly.

A large door at the end of the room suddenly opens and six waiters rush in with silver domes on trays. They place one of the domes down in front of each of you before uncovering the mouthwatering food.

"Dig in!" Hoseok's mother calls proudly before you all begin to eat slowly. You try your hardest to hold the fork like your mother had drilled into you before you arrived and eat slowly and politely.

The food was delicious and by the end of it, you could have sworn you had put on a huge amount of weight. You had a three course meal including a rich cheesecake for desert.

"Children, go bond. Us parents need to speak- adult to adult." Hoseok's mother commands and points towards the door you entered in. You gulp as Hoseok's warm hand suddenly laces with yours and your chair is being pulled out. You look up and see him smirking down at you as he gently pulls you from the chair and leads you towards the doors. You hadn't even realised you were moving because you were half asleep but before you knew it, you were alone in a room with him.

And he just locked the door.

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