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Hoseok chuckles softly as he stands at the alter and watches your reactions go from awe, to surprise and then finally to a sort of happy where you nearly begin crying. Yoongi gently rubs your arm before the two of you slowly begin to walk down the isle, a huge smile never leaving your face as you look down at your gorgeous dress.

"She likes the dress." Jin whispers to Namjoon proudly, granting a nod and a small kiss from his other half as you glide past them. Yoongi gently gives you a kiss on the hand before leading you over to Hoseok who takes both hands in his. "Oops, I'm meant to be up there!" Jin exclaims as he jumps from his seat and scuttles up to the alter where he smiled cooly as everyone laughs.

"How do you even manage to forget something like that?" Hoseok jokes to Jin as he stares at you, his eyes never leaving your beautiful complexion once. You blush as you catch his gaze and take in the marvellous sight of him in his suit that fitted perfectly in all the areas it was important.

"Anyway," Jin scolds as he opens the huge book on the alter and smiles as he leans forward towards you and Hoseok with a grin. "Hoseok. Do you take Miss Y/N to be your beautiful wife until the day you die?"

"I do. Until the day I die and in the next life too." Hoseok replies smoothly, brushing your knuckles gently as he holds your hands. Your eyes well up with tears of happiness as you look at him and nod slowly as Jin turns to you.

"And Y/N. Do you take this dumbass to be your husband until the day you die?" A round of laughter scatters around the men, including Yoongi who hums in agreement at the statement as he holds back tears of his own. You giggle softly as Hoseok sends Jin a quick glare who only shrugs and steps back from the alter.

"Of course, I do." You reply smoothly, smiling at Jin as he motions for Jungkook to come up to the alter. Jungkook grins happily as he makes his way over with the small white pillow that the two golden rings sat on, engraved with the date the marrage was taking place. He moves to stand in front of Hoseok and you as Jin leans over and grabs the two rings.

"I now pronounce you, idiot and wife!" Jin chuckles as he carefully slips the rings onto your fingers. Hoseok swats at him with a small frown but Jin leans back quickly with a mischievous grin before his eyes catch Yoongi silently crying to the side and he moves over to him instantly.

"May I?" Hoseok smiles to you as he wraps an arm around your waist before you nod and he smiles. He slowly leans down and meets your lips with his, kissing you deeply as a chorus of 'aww's fills the air.


"To Hobi-hyung and Y/N!" Taehyung cheers happily as he raises his strawberry milkshake with a bright grin, encouraging everyone else to do the same with their milkshakes. "I made a good call, suggesting to come to this diner for dinner." Taehyung chuckles to himself as he takes a sip of his drink and promptly sits back down on Jimin's lap. Jungkook nods next to them as he takes a long gulp of his banana milkshake, smiling happily as he spots two waitresses making their way over to the large table with loads of food.

"Was this okay? Did you like it?" Hoseok asks softly with a smile as he leans back in his seat and wraps his arm around your shoulders as you cuddle into his side and giggle. The waitresses quickly place the various dishes at the end of the table and smile to you before moving back into the kitchen and behind the bar.

"Going to a diner in a gorgeous wedding dress was a bit of a shocker."  You joke as you take your dish from Jin who was handing everyone's out. You feel Hoseok slump with disappointment by your side before you quickly turn to face him and laugh. "I was joking. All of this is so amazing, and I just can't believe that I'm now finally married!" You smile as you hold out you hand and examine the shiny ring, not noticing Yoongi tense up across the table.

"Good, because it took me forever to plan. I started planning while I was away and didn't expect to be away for that long but  I lost track of time when trying to sort this." Hoseok smiles brightly as he grabs his dish before sending a quick glare at Yoongi that was invisible to everyone else.

"I'll be back in a minute." Yoongi suddenly grumbles as he stands from the table and marches off towards the men's bathroom. Hoseok shrugs as if he didn't know why he was doing that as Jin glared at him before also leaving the table and following after Yoongi.

"Is he okay? He's been acting a bit upset recently." Namjoon asks slowly through a mouthful of food and turns to Hoseok who picks up his milkshake and takes a long sip. The table all turn to look at Hoseok and he feels his heart constrict in his chest as he sees you turn to him out of the corner of his eye.

"Uh, I think he's just a bit upset over the wedding 'cause he's single." Hoseok mumbles softly as his eyes dart to everywhere where you weren't. You bite your lip and quickly scan his face, picking up on the fact that he was lying to everyone- but why?

"Hey, guys. Yoongi isn't feeling very well so he's off home. He told me to tell Hoseok to send the bill to him and he will pay." Jin smiles softly as he emerges from the bathroom, closely followed by Yoongi. You instantly stand when you see him and rush over, picking up the skirt of your dress as you move and ignore Hoseok attempting to make you sit back down.

"Heya, what's up? You can tell me, right?" You ask softly as you stand in front of him and notice his red, puffy eyes, He had been crying. Yoongi smiles softly to you and drags his eyes from the floor to meet yours before gently patting your shoulder. 

"It's nothing. Hoseok and I have just had a falling out, of sorts." Yoongi replies slowly with a fake smile before taking his hand off your shoulder and looking towards the table. "I'll see you guys whenever I next see you." He smiles before heading for the door quickly as everyone bids him a delicate goodbye. Your eyes instantly travel to Hoseok and you feel a sudden flare of anger burn up within you before you crush it and throw on a smile.

"I'm gonna go see him tomorrow and check that he's okay." Jungkook mumbles softly as he takes a long sip of his drink and stares out the window, watching as Yoongi drives away in his car alone.

"Mind if I tag along?" You ask Jungkook softly as you make your way back to your seat and smile. Jungkook looks up at you before smiling and nodding enthusiastically. "Thank you. I'd hate for him to be upset with someone." You smile as you slowly sit down next to Hoseok and glance at him, spotting the way he was staring angrily ahead.

 He had no reason to be mad, you were only trying to be a friend.

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