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"So, Y/N. Now that your mom hates us both and my parents like us, what do we do?" Hoseok mutters as he chews his mouthful of food. You shrug softly as you lean forwards and rest your elbows on the table, cupping your face in your hands.

"Whatever we want, i suppose." You reply with a smile as you watch him eat another huge bite. "Damn you eat a lot." You giggle as he munches away.

"I'm hungry. It's your fault." Hoseok retaliates as he wipes his mouth with a frown. You tilt your head slowly and smile at him as he finishes off his food.

"Why is it my fault?" You whine as he stands up with his empty tray and wanders over to a bin, disposing of it. He then quickly sits back down and copies your sitting position, cupping his own face in his hands. 

"Because you wanted to walk. Walking makes me hungry." Hoseok smiles as he leans back in his seat and crosses his arms. You copy him this time and smile smugly as he raises an eyebrow.

"Well i like walking. Get used to it." You smile as you push yourself up from the table and cross your arms. "Are we going home then?" You sigh as Hoseok frowns softly at you. He quickly nods and jumps up from his seat, grabbing your hand in the process.

"Come on then, peanut." Hoseok smiles as he drags you along behind him. You grunt frustrated as you jog to keep up with his long strides. Hoseok glances back at you and chuckles as he slows down and wraps an arm around your shoulders with a smile.

"You're too tall." You pout as you wrap your arm around his waist and look up at him. He chuckles softly as he pulls out his keys and unlocks the car, removing his arm from around you and patting your head quickly.

"You're just too short." Hoseok smiles as he slinks over to his door and pulls it open, sliding in with a wink. You stick your tongue out at him as you open your own door and climb in with a pout.

"You have no manners." You mutter as Hoseok starts the car and begins to drive off, laughing softly. He reaches over with his free hand and grabs yours, intertwining your fingers.

"Why? Because i didn't open the door?" Hoseok playfully pouts as he glances over at you, smiling immediately. You scoff and shake your head, smiling back at him.

"Well yeah." You smile as you turn to watch the shops rush past you. Everything outside of the car was nothing but a big blur of other peoples lives, not interfering with your own. You smile softly as you see Hoseok's reflecton in the window and spot the small smile on his own face.

This is where you wanted to be- right next to Hoseok. Holding his hand and watching as your life rushes past you, but it was okay. You didn't care if your life was fleeting before you as long as Hoseok was by your side the whole time. You wanted him to be your future and you were determined to make it happen.

"So you still want to get married then? Even though we don't have to?" Hoseok suddenly breaks the silence as he bites his lip and glances over at you. You hum softly in thought and look over at him with a small smile.

"If you do then i do." You reply softly and squeeze his hand. Hoseok smiles brightly and rubs your hand with his thumb as he glances over at you once more.

"Really?" He asks in a childlike manner as he grins from ear to ear. You giggle softly and nod as he brings your hand up to his mouth and kisses it softly. "When do you wanna get married then?" He asks softly as he pulls up to your house.

"Anytime." You smile as Hoseok turns off the car and releases your hand with a huge grin. He quickly leaps out the car and rushes around to your side, opening the door and grabbing your hand.

"I can't take your tempting ways anymore." Hoseok growls sexily as he pulls you out of the car and kisses you deeply. You giggle into the kiss before he picks you up and continues to kiss you, gripping your thighs tightly as you wrap yourself around him.

"Better do something about it then." You whisper as he marches towards the door, breaking the kiss so get inside. Once the door was closed, he pushes you up against the door and kisses you even more then before.

"Oh i will." He growls as he tilts his head and begins to kiss your neck. This is what you wanted. Him. All of him. Every part, every bad day, every good day, every laugh, smile and tear. You wanted it all.

And you had got it.

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