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The car is completely silent. Neither you or Hoseok have spoken to each other after the incident in the bedroom. His words ring out through your head and give you shivers. The way he whispered your name made you scream internally and heat up.

"You're mine, Y/N. That means I can do what I Please with you."

It made you nervous. The way he claimed you as his was hot but you also didn't like it. You are your own woman and you do not Belong to any man- not even Jung Hoseok. He has no control over you. He has no right over you. He has no power over you. You are independent.

"Hoseok." You suddenly speak out in a serious tone. Hoseok raises an eyebrow and glances over at you at you for a moment. "I'm giving you some rules. You are not aloud to touch me in public. You are not aloud to tell anyone I am your wife and you are not aloud tell people we live tighter. We need to be friends until its official." You command sternly. Hoseok chuckles softly and pats your leg gently.

"Don't worry, peanut. Only friends." Hoseok smirked knowingly as if he could predict it would never just be 'friends.' You sigh softly as you pull up to a food court and park up next to it. Hoseok hops out quickly and you follow before he locked the car with you still in it. He hands you a big wad of notes to get food, his eyes somewhere off in the distance.

You glance over to where he was looking and see three young girls who were showing off to impress Hoseok- or rather what was in his pants. You scoff at him and slam the money down into his hand with anger.

"I'll buy it myself." You hiss at him before storming off. It made you so mad how he could have someone standing right next to him and still want more. He was disgusting. He was rude. He was a playboy.

There is no way in hell that you are going to get along with him. Not when he makes you this mad. You refuse to look back at him as tears start to form in your eyes.

Maybe you weren't good enough for him? That's probably what it is. Nothing about you was special and he clearly knew that too. Someone like him could never be married to someone like you.

Someone like him could never be married at all. Play boys don't settle down. They don't feel. They just fuck and leave and fuck and leave without regard for anyone's feelings.

You wipe away the tears that had escaped your eyes and sniffle softly as you approach a stall of food. Come to think of it, you weren't hungry now. You sigh and order a small hot chocolate with cream and a cookie for later. You turn around, clutching the bag and cup and see Hoseok leaning on his car with the girls around him. Anger rises within you once again and you huff quickly.

What do I do? What do I do?

One idea sprung to mind but you hated it right down to the core. It might be the only thing that would work though. You gulp and bring up the courage to walk over with a bright smile. The girls spot you coming and glance between Hoseok and you as if to say: "do you know her?"

You stop right by Hoseok and hand him the cookie politely. He opens his mouth to speak but before he could say a single word, you press a heavy kiss to his lips. You cup his cheeks and hold the kiss until you hear the girls walk away which is when you pull back in disgust.

"What the heck?" Hoseok blurts out as you rapidly wipe your mouth on your sleeve. He then suddenly stands and grabs your hand, pulling you over to the passenger door. He opens it and shoves you inside before slamming the door closed and marching over to his door and climbing in.

"Who were those girls?" You ask defensively as Hoseok starts up the car. He scoffs and drives forward, not even glancing back at the girls.

"I don't know. Hot?" Hoseok mumbles with a deep frown as he clutches the wheel tight. You growl at him and shake your head in disapproval.

"You do realise your fiancé was right there!" You scold him. Hoseok glances over at you and sighs, remembering that you were supposed to be married soon.

"But you said I can't touch you or say we are married or that we live together." Hoseok defends in a childlike manner. You sigh and rub your temple out of frustration.

"But I did say we were friends which means you don't go trying to hit it off with other girls. Fine! Ignore those rules then." You blurt out, rapidly speaking as the words tumble from your mouth. Hoseok blocks out your ranting and focuses on the road as he turns down a dark alley and parks up but you are too far in your rant to realise.

"Good, I never listened to the rules anyway." Hoseok smirks sexily before unbuckling his seat belt. You frown as you suddenly realise you are in an alley and feel panic rise up in your chest. Hoseok shuffles in his seat for a moment before leaning over the gear stick and pressing his lips to yours.

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