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"Where have you gone, you munchkin!" Hoseok calls out with a small chuckle as he stalks around the crowded house, crouching slightly as his eyes frantically search for his daughter.

There's a soft giggle from behind where Yoongi was standing with a blank face, that almost makes him break character as Hoseok makes his way over and smiles. "Hi, Yoongi. You haven't seen her anywhere, have you?" Hoseok asks happily as he glances around Yoongi, who simply shrugs and shakes his head.

"Nope. No tiny brats here." Yoongi say playfully, before he winces as the small girl behind him punches the back of his knee. Hoseok chuckles as he peeks around Yoongi, his eyes meeting with his daughters.

"Found you!" He laughs as he grabs her hand gently and tugs her towards him, before he picks her up as she giggles.

"Daddy!" The girl cries happily, gaining the attention of a few of the people in the room, before they go back to their socializing. "Is mommy getting the cake?" She smiles as Hoseok begins to head towards the kitchen, while Yoongi waves the two of them off.

"Cake? For who?" Hoseok plays as he holds her in his arm, passing by the various people snacking and enjoying the get-together.

"For my birthday, daddy!" His daughter cries out with a giggle, her tiny fist coming down on his shoulder softly. Hoseok winces and groans, pretending to be hurt by the weak hit, before he lifts her high into the air.

"It's not your birthday." He laughs as he holds her as high as his arms could stretch, causing a tiny squeal to come from the girl.

"Oh, good! You found our little birthday princess." Your voice pipes up amongst the others, as you emerge from the kitchen at the sound of your daughters squeal.

"See. Mommy remembers my birthday." The girl says cockily as Hoseok gently places her on the ground, while you crouch down and allow her to run into your arms.

"Of course I do. The cake will be ready soon, sweetie. Why don't you go find your friends?" You smile down on the girl as you brush her thin hair from her face. She nods, pecks you on the cheek, and quickly runs off without another word. Hoseok watches her run of proudly, before he wraps his arm around your waist as the two of you meander into the kitchen.

"You know, I think she's going to be quite popular with the boys." Hoseok smiles as he spots some snacks on the counter and makes a bee line for them, while you laugh and move back to the cake you were working on.

"She definitely gets that from you." You reply as you place a small flower on the cake, before a small sigh falls from your lips. Hoseok turns around with a small frown, before he slinks over and wraps his arms around you.

"What's wrong?" He asks softly as he brushes some hair from your face, while you place your hands on his shoulders and look down.

"We've invited all these people for her, but it just doesn't feel right without my parents coming. It's her fifth birthday, and her grandparents couldn't even make an appearance!"  You vent to Hoseok, and he quickly pulls you in closer to his chest.

"I know it upsets you, but they didn't even bother to show up to your wedding. Don't worry about it, babe." Hoseok says calmly as he strokes your back, before he plants a kiss on your head and smiles. "Just enjoy this, okay? There's no point in worrying about things we can't change." He says as he let's go of you, before he heads to exit the kitchen as you move to continue with the cake.

"Go check on her for me, please?" You ask sheepishly, only to see Hoseok roll his eyes slightly at you.

"What did I say? There's nothing to worry about." He waves his hand dismissively, before exiting the room and leaving you to finish the cake. After a moment, the house phone begins to ring, which alarms you instantly. You sigh as you trot over to it and pick up, waiting for whoever it was to speak.

"Y/N?" Your fathers voice echoes down the phone, freezing you on the spot instantly. You let out a small breath, before he chuckles softly. "I suppose this is unexpected. I'm sorry for not speaking to you sooner. Your mother has been a pain recently." He says down the phone, which makes you smile slightly.

"Hi, dad. I understand. Its been a while since we've spoken last." You smile at the phone, leaning against the counter as you did so and letting out a breath.

"Yeah, it's been a minute. I called because I'm certain that it is a certain little girls birthday?" He almost asks, to which your eyes widen at the fact he even knows about your daughter.

"Mom told you?" You ask quickly, shocked that your mother even told him that they had a granddaughter.

"She was very reluctant. I don't think she even remembers that its her birthday today, though. I just wanted to call and ask you if I could drop by and give the little one a gift?" He asks politely, his voice strained slightly as if he was trying to have the conversation privately. Your heart practically leaps at the request, and you instantly laugh.

"Yes! Yes, of course! Her party is going on right now, so turn up whenever!" You smile brightly as you invite him, joy coursing through your veins as you speak.

"Okay, dear. I'll be here soon. I love you." Your father laughs in response to your enthusiasm, before he hangs up after you say you love him back. It wasn't long before he arrived with a huge box, much bigger then your little girl herself. She was exctactic to finally meet her grandpa, who helped her unwrap the many presents that had been gifted to her.

"Her name suits her perfectly." Hoseok smiles proudly as the two of you stand towards the back of the room, watching as your little girl grins brightly at each and every present. You nod and look up to Hoseok, seeing exactly the same smile on him. A smile as bright as the sun, one that brings joy to anyone who sees it, a smile of utter perfection.

"Summer." You utter under your breath as you turn your attention back to her warm smile, your heart warming with it, and watch as she practically glows with happiness, exactly like her father. The two sunshines in your life that you wouldn't give up for anyone or anything.

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