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Adrenaline runs through your veins at a million miles an hour as you sit still in the back of the leather seated car and casually feel around for any hints of the type of car you were in while your other hand lay on your stomach that had grown ever so slightly more. You cringe against the blindfold over your eyes and shift in the seat, the unknown dress that Jungkook helped you into moving with you.  Not a single hint was given to you by anybody about what the heck was happening- all you knew was that you were in some car in a dress you haven't even seen, going to some place you don't know whilst being blindfolded.

"We're here~"Jin's familiar voice sings from somewhere at the front of the car, indicating he was clearly exited for whatever was happening outside. You laugh awkwardly as a response, not entirely sure whether this is a good or a bad thing at this point. The car stops gently and you hear the front door open and close before one by your side opens and the sound of the sea immediately hits your ears and makes your heart flutter. "Come on, princess. We haven't got all day." Jin whines sarcastically, a small chuckle breaking through his sentence as he spoke.

"Can I take this off yet?" You ask softly as you shuffle out of the car, reaching for Jin's hand as you do so and stepping out on your killer heels. Jin hums softly for a minute, a sound that's almost drowned out by the waves before groaning softly as he closes the car door and begins to walk with you.

"I want you to, but I don't think you're allowed yet. Hobi might kill me." Jin replies slowly as the two of you walk with interlocked arms to wherever it was that he was taking you. Up ahead, you hear slight chattering before there's a small chorus of gasps and clapping.

"Wow! Y/N, you look-"

"Shut up, idiot. You'll ruin it for her." Jungkook explodes quickly as the sound of someone being punched reaches you, closely followed by a deep groan that could have only been Taehyung. You laugh softly at the sounds of the two of them while Jin scoffs slightly by your side and continues to walk you slowly.

"Jin Hyung, we need you really quick." Jimin's soft voice quickly calls out as he jogs towards you, his voice sounding concerned. "Hoseok and Yoongi are arguing.." He whispers softly to Jin, obviously trying to conceal the news from you but not doing a good job. You open your mouth to speak but pause when Jin suddenly lets go of you and is replaced by Jimin who smiles softly at you while you look around blindly.


"It's not even like you would fucking know, Hoseok. You weren't there! You didn't stay in bed with her every night for the sake of the baby!" Yoongi bellows at Hoseok who pushes his tongue against his cheek and raises his eyebrows at the shorter man who sent him deadly glances.

"Why the hell were you in bed-"

"Because an unborn baby can sense when a mother is lonely! They know when they're laying in bed on their own with the worst heartache of their lives and that is heartbreaking to hear, and I'm not even the fucking father!" Yoongi cuts Hoseok off quickly, resuming his yelling as his eyes tear up slightly. Hoseok stares at Yoongi for a moment before shaking his head and pointing to the door.

"I don't want you here. You don't deserve to see me and Y/N being married and you don't deserve to ever see my child. Now get out." Hoseok spits at him, turning his back on Yoongi as he feels a pang of hurt in his chest. Yoongi looks at Hoseok closely for a minute before shrugging and loosening his tie.

"You don't deserve to marry someone like her." Yoongi mutters softly as a tear cascades down his cheek before he storms out of the tent with a huff. He quickly wipes his tears as he sees Jin up ahead, sprinting towards the tent they were just in. "Shows over. I'm going home." Yoongi calls out to Jin who slows his running and stops directly in front of him.

"You can't leave, Yoongi. Think about how that will make Y/N feel. She'll be devastated if you aren't here." Jin pants as he scans Yoongi's saddened face before glancing up at where you were with Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook. Yoongi follows his eyes and sees you stood laughing with a silk white blindfold over your eyes while your dress hugged you perfectly. On the bottom of the pure white dress, Jin had seen thousands of golden sequins into small, intricate patterns to make it look as if you had stood in a pool of gold while a band of gold wrapped around your waist, matching the small golden tiara on your head.

"Hoseok said he doesn't want me here, Jin. He said he doesn't want me to meet their child either. After everything I did for her and he still-"

"Hey, listen to me." Jin interrupts softly as he places a hand on Yoongi's shoulder and watches as a tear slowly runs down his cheek before wiping it away. "Hoseok isn't the oldest one here- I am. And I say you can stay. I'll go speak to him, you go talk to Y/N. I think I overheard her saying something about making you a Godfather of the child." He continues softly, hoping to bring a smile to Yoongi's face. Yoongi looks him up and down before hugging him quickly and laughing.

"Thank you." Yoongi smiles as he lets go of Jin before sprinting up to where you were with the boys. Jin watches him for a moment before slipping into the tent to speak to Hoseok.


"Wait, is that-?" You blurt out as you hear the familiar sound of a wedding organ being played. Yoongi laughs softly by your side before finally removing your blindfold and tucking it into his pocket as the most beautiful scene is presented before you. You gasp as you see this section of the beach decorated with various wedding things; long gold and white banners hanging over head, pedestals of beautiful white roses, a few benches set out for the audience which consisted of only the boys (your parents refused to come) and right at the front stood Hoseok.

And he looked heavenly.

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