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"Babe, is there anything you want to tell me?" You mumble softly as you lay on Hoseok's bare chest, sighing softly as he shifts and the blanket on you moves of your shoulder slightly. Hoseok gently pulls the blanket back up before looking down at you and smiling softly as he slips a hand under your chin and carefully lifts you up to face him.

"Like what?" He replies quietly, squinting slightly in the darkness of your room to see you clearly as you trace small shapes on his chest. "What's on your mind?" Hoseok continues softly, concerned by your silence as you slowly glance up at him and sigh.

"Are you and Yoongi arguing? Please tell me the truth, and why you are arguing." You whisper softly as you roll onto your back in his arms, and stare up at the black ceiling. Hoseok lets out a long sigh, his hold on you loosening slightly as he turns his head to look at you.

"In a way. I'm just not really speaking to him right now." Hoseok admits reluctantly, holding you tight again as he places a kiss on the top of your head. You frown softly and turn once more, now facing him as you prop yourself up onto your elbow.

"Why not?" You probe more, the frown still present on your face as Hoseok sighs a little again. He reaches out and gently cups your cheek, stroking your face softly as he looks at you through the darkness before closing his eyes and biting his lip. "What is it, Hoseok? Did you do-"

"He fell in love with you while I was gone, Y/N. While I was away, healing over that news, he-"

"Wait, what? He doesn't love me, Hoseok. He knows that we love each other so he wouldn't." You interrupt quickly, shaking your head as you sit up in the bed and rub your eyes. Hoseok sighs deeply beside you as he runs his hands down his face before placing a hand on your back and gulping.

"I think he does. He told me and Jin, probably the rest of the boys too. You're the only one he hasn't told." Hoseok sighs softly, rubbing your back slowly as you stare into the dark space before you and shake your head.

"Well, even if he does, that doesn't give you the right to be mad at him." You scold, looking down at Hoseok who winces slightly and lets out another small, defeated sigh. "You can't help who you fall in love with, so you can't be mad at him. Am I right?" You continue, frowning at him as he looks away and bites on his lip

"You're right, but-"

"No 'but's. He hasn't tried anything, has he?" You butt in again, an impatient tone now present in your voice as Hoseok moves his hand away from your back and slowly sits up in the bed.

"No, he hasn't done anything wrong. Look, if you want me to be friends with him again, please just say that. I hate being told off." Hoseok mumbles admittedly, his eyes locking onto yours for a moment before he promptly looks away and closes them.

"That's all I want, Hobi. I hate seeing you separated from your friends." You reply softly, smiling at him as you gently push on his chest for him to lay back down, which he does with a small smile and wraps an arm around you as he goes down. You gently lay down on his chest, and allow him to rest his hand on your bump that was slightly more evident now.


"Hey, Y/N, and Hobi-hyung?" Jungkook frowns slightly as you and Hoseok climb out of your car, at his house. Hoseok smiles and waves slightly at Jungkook, who frowns at you with confusion, but you only smile knowingly at you. "Have you come to see Yoongi-hyung too?" He asks softly, standing up from his spot on his porch steps and grips his car keys in his hand.

"Yeah, I owe him an apology." Hoseok admits softly, his smile faltering as he links your hand in his and glances at the floor. Jungkook's eyes widen slightly and eyes dart to you, surprised that you actually managed to get through to him. "Anyway, we better get over to his house quickly, right?" Hoseok continues with a small smile, squeezing your hand slightly as he spoke, and you squeeze back as Jungkook nods with a huge, bunny grin.

"Yeah! Let's go." You agree, watching Jungkook bounding towards his car, as Hoseok gently pulls you towards his. "You're doing good so far, babe." You giggle to Hoseok as he opens he door for you and smiles back proudly.

"Only because you told me that I'm wrong." Hoseok replies, quickly closing your door and hopping into the drivers seat as he hears Jungkook start his car. You roll your eyes and grab his hand as he starts up the car and waits for Jungkook to start moving down the street, so you could follow.

"So, have you thought about what you want to say to him?" You ask softly as Hoseok presses down on the acceleration and begins to follow Jungkook's car down the street. Hoseok's hand loosens around yours for a moment as he frowns, before shaking his head and chuckling nervously.

"No clue. I mean like, I've been seriously rude to my hyung- that is going to require a hell of a lot of apologies. Especially because it's Yoongi." Hoseok replies, glancing quickly over at you as he drives before removing his hand from yours to shift gear.

"Why especially Yoongi?" You ask softly, curious of Hoseok's words, and look over to see him smile softly. Hoseok glances over at you with a grin, before linking hands with you once more.

"He convinced my parents to meet with yours."

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