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You gulp softly as the seven men all turn to look at you. Oh god, they were all hot. There was no way you could allow seven super hot boys into your house. You bite your lip softly as the boys at the door greet you in various ways- a wave, a smile, a wink, a subtle 'hello'.

"Um, yeah sure. Just don't make a mess and don't be loud." You mumble as Hoseok stares at you. His face lights up at your reply and he waves them in. As they walk in, Hoseok introduces them.

"This is Taehyung, Jin, Jimin, Namjoon and you've already met Yoongi and Jungkook." He announces as they all head straight for the sofa.

"Okay cool. I just want to play." Jin calls out grumpily as he grabs a controller. You roll your eyes and slump off to your room. As you begin up the stairs, someone suddenly grabs your arm. You jump and look down to see Hoseok with a worried expression.

"Are you okay? Is there too many of them?" Hoseok whispers softly as he takes your other hand in his and you turn to face him. You smile softly and shake your head.

"No, i just don't like strangers." You admit slowly. Hoseok nods and reaches up to tuck your hair behind your ear.

"That's okay. Shout if you need anything." He smiles softly before kissing your cheek and twirling around to be with his group of friends. Your heart flutters as he leaves and sinks slightly as he disappeared from view. You sigh softly and continue your journey to your room.

You were hungry, bored and tired and we're jut fed up in general. You had no patience to be around seven men at once so your room was your safe space for now. As you enter your room, you lock the door behind you to make sure none of those godlike men sneak in- including Hoseok.

Grumpily, you shuffle over to your computer and sit down in the spinning chair with a deep sigh. You power on your computer and spin in your seat until it turns on. When it finally powered up, you opened your favourite game and begin to play away.

A few hours passed and you weren't disturbed once. The boys all left for a meal so you took it as your chance to escape your room. You smile softly to yourself as you curl up on the couch with your blanket and pillows you had brought down with you. You silently flicked through movies with a bowl of popcorn and finally settled on a K-Drama you were currently obsessed with.

The front door slowly opens and Hoseok peaks his head around to see you sleeping in a blanket burrito on the couch. He smiles softly and rushes in quickly but made sure to be silent as not to wake you. He slowly makes his way over to you and kneels by your side with a smile.

"You are so beautiful, Y/N." Hoseok whispers softly as he brushes your cheek with his thumb. A light frown forms on your face and you stir slightly before letting out a long sigh and relaxing again. Hoseok notices the stuffed bear on the floor next to him and chuckles softly as he picks it up and examines it.

"Why did you take my bear?" You mumble as you reach out and sleepily take the bear back. Hoseok blushes softly as he sits back on his feet and smiles.

"I was just looking." He chuckles as he stood up with a groan. You quickly reach out and grab the bottom of his shirt with a groan.

"Stay with me." You yawn softly as your eyes begin to flutter closes. Hoseok sighs jokingly and gently taps your arm. You sit up, half asleep and allow him to lay down before you collapse onto his chest. Hoseok groans softly as you shuffle around to try get comfortable. Once you had found your desired spot, you instantly fall asleep.

Hoseok glances down at you sleeping face with a smile and chuckles softly. He really did think you were so beautiful- he has since he first saw you. Love at first sight perhaps?

"I love you." Hoseok whispers as he plants a kiss on the top of you head. You smile softly and stretch out over him, clinging to him more.

"I love you, Hobi." You sleepily reply before finally falling asleep. Hoseok blushes as he watches your body go limp and a smile spreads across his face.

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