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As you slam the door, separating you from your new found life that you had fallen in love with, your heart breaks just that little bit more. You clutch your duffel bag tight in one hand while your other still rested on the door handle, half expecting Hoseok to rush down the stairs and apologise but you couldn't hear any movements in the house. He wasn't coming.

Another tear streaks it's way down your cheek as you take your hand off the door and wipe your face with your sleeve before turning to the dull street with a sigh. You wipe the warm tears that continued to softly roll down your cheeks and shiver slightly in the freezing air of winter. Slowly, you sit down on the step of the porch and look up to the dark clouds in the sky that looked like they were about to burst at any moment.

"Where do I go now? What do I do?" You sniffle as you close your eyes tightly and cover your face, still shivering because you hadn't changed before you came out so you were sitting in a t-shirt and sweatpants currently. You frown slightly as you feel a small freezing wet patch form on your shoulder and slowly pull your face from your hands, your eyes widening as you did so. It was snowing. Large, beautiful white flakes danced down from the sky in a sudden storm that was quickly settling.

Just like the first day you met Hoseok.

You shuffle further back onto the porch and pull your knees to your chest, praying that Hoseok would come back to you at any moment but clearly your prayers weren't heard. You let out a long, shaky sigh that spiralled up into a cloud of white that matched the snow before closing your eyes once more. The soft rumble of a car slowing down in front of the house causes you to open your eyes out of curiosity and search for the reason why it could be stopping before you spot a young man in full black clothes with a pair of big black glasses climb out of the fancy black car.

"What the hell are you doing out here? Did that bastard kick you out already?" Yoongi grumbles as he quickly marches towards you on the path that was gradually getting icier. The large flakes stick to his blonde hair and black coat as he grabs your bag and shuffles back to his car cautiously. "Are you coming or what? Hoseok can wait for his delivery." Yoongi calls out to you as you sit shivering on the step while he chucks your bag in the back of the car.

"Did he send you to come and get me?" You ask shakily as you slowly stand up on your frozen legs and stumble towards the car. Yoongi quickly closes the boot and rushes to your side to wrap an arm around your waist so you don't fall. You clutch to his coat as you both nearly fall on the icy path, snow forming a small blanket over the both of you.

"No. I was bringing him something but it can wait because you clearly have no where to go." Yoongi mumbles softly as he looks down at the ground to check for any ice. You nod slowly and do the same, neither of you looking for how close you are to the car. You glance up for a moment and quickly stop as you nearly walk straight into the expensive looking car. Yoongi chuckles as he opens the door for you before slinking off to his side of the car carefully.

"Thank you, Yoongi. You don't have to take me to your place, I can stay in a motel." You sigh softly as you look over at Yoongi who was frowning deeply at the snowy road ahead. You subconsciously grab the overhead handle bar as you look out onto the road which earns you a deep chuckle.

"We won't die, I'm a good driver. Besides, why the hell would I drive you all the way to a motel when one: you could get murdered, raped, mugged or all three and two: my house is way closer and way nicer." Yoongi states as he looks over at you with a cocky grin. You giggle softly at him before turning your head to look out of the window with a small sigh. "Forget about him, even just for a night. Focus on you. He will come back just like a boomerang in a day or two so don't panic. This is nothing new for Hobi." Yoongi announces softly in an attempt to comfort you, a small smile painted on his perfectly shaped lips.

"What's wrong with his mom? Why won't he let me help?" You ask quietly as your heart pounds in your chest and tears threaten to surface once more. Yoongi gives you a concerned look before focusing on the road once more and sighing.

"To make a long story short, the guy Hobi thinks is his dad actually isn't because his mom cheated and got HIV. He knows she cheated but doesn't know that isn't his dad. I only know because his mom told me when I first became friends with him, just in case he ever did something like this." Yoongi explained quickly as he began to slow down and indicate to turn into one of the houses. You nod slowly and look up to the house he was about to turn into with complete awe.

"You live here?" You ask brightly as you examine the gorgeous front of the huge house. Yoongi chuckles deeply and pulls into the large drive with a big grin. Your eyes widen as you watch the garage door in front of you slowly open as you approach it.

"No, I stole the house. What do you think? I'm not some drunk hobo faking everything. Been here, done that, got the t-shirt." Yoongi jokes sarcastically as he pulls up into the garage and turns off the car. "Hurry inside, my show is still paused." He smiles as he pats your head and leaps out of the car before scurrying inside. You smile lightly before slowly climbing out of the car and grab your bag from the boot.

"He'll be back like a boomerang." You whisper to yourself as you head inside of the huge house that seemed twice as big on the inside. "Maybe I can just forget about him for a bit. I'm sure he's fine." You mumble softly as you look around the hall and make your way to the main room where Yoongi was sprawled over the couch with a drama playing on his huge TV.

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