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"You could help me by not dragging your feet, Y/N." Hoseok huffs quickly as he attempts to walk you to the steamed up bathroom. You groan in response as you try to walk with him, only for your legs to wobble beneath you and collapse. He sighs as he catches your fall before picking you up with ease and carrying you to the bathroom. "Can you undress yourself or will you die?" Hoseok asks softly as he places you down on the toilet and brushes your hair out of your face.

"I want you to stay with me, please." You slur as you grab hold of Hoseok's hand and bring it to your cheek with a small smile. He chuckles and bends down to give you a quick kiss on the lips before pulling his hand away and tugging on your shirt. "You do it. I might die." You smile mischievously, mocking Hoseok's earlier words with no shame. He laughs lightly before shaking his head and crouching down to your level.

"Remind me never to let you drink again. You're so lazy when you're like this, peanut." Hoseok chuckles softly as he grabs the hem of your shirt and tugs it up, off your body. You sigh loudly in response before rolling your eyes at him as he undoes  the button on your jeans.

"Well, you're not aloud either then." You pout as Hoseok begins to pull your jeans down with a focused look of concentration plastered onto his face. He slides them off effortlessly before turning to you with a grin and leans towards you.

"You can't tell me what to do, young lady. Now, I can either remove your underwear myself and leave or you can do it and I'll stay." Hoseok smirks brightly as he looks you up and down slowly. You hum for a moment as you stare into Hoseok's eyes before groaning and shoving his chest roughly, causing him to fall back with a frown.

"Don't look at me then." You grumble as you drunkly waft a hand in Hoseok's direction. He laughs softly and shrugs before standing up and turning his back on you. You stare at him for a minute before carefully standing up and trying to pull off your underwear while your head began to spin rapidly again. You felt a sudden gagging feeling in the back of your throat before you turn to the toilet and vomit suddenly into it.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asks suddenly as he turns around to see you lurching into the toilet with your underwear only shifted down your hips an inch. He quickly gets on his knees and grabs your hair, holding it back as you throw up the contents of your stomach into the toilet- most of which was alcohol. You gulp deeply as you finally stop vomiting and lean back into Hoseok's arms.

"Don't let me drink again." You whine as you cover your face in embarrassment at throwing up in front of Hoseok who chuckled softly. He brushes your hair away from your face before placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"I won't. Now lets get you into this bath, It'll help." Hoseok smiles softly with a reassuring tone as he carefully unclips your bra and looks away as it slides to your hips.  You laugh softly at Hoseok's sudden shyness before pulling down your underwear and humming as confirmation to Hoseok for him to help you stand. He nods quickly before gently lifting you to your feet and guiding you over to the bath.

"I feel better already." You smile softly as you slide into the hot water and look over at Hoseok who was staring intently at the tiles, as if waiting for them to change colour. You watch him for a moment, taking in each dip and curve of his perfectly sculpted face. The perfectly sharp jawline that made you weak at the knees looked out of place compared to his soft, puffed cheeks that's rounded his face. The heart shaped, light lips that were thinned out into a small concentrated line, contradicted by his soft, curved eyes.

"Do you mind if I look? Like, obviously not in a pervy way but because it's hurting my neck to look down." Hoseok suddenly bursts out as he flicks his eyes up to look at you for a moment, pulling you out of your fantasy world. You blink slowly, his words not reaching your brain until you realise what he said and instantly nod.

"You've seen me naked before, Hobi." You laugh softly, your voice still slightly slurred as you lean further back into the bath. Hoseok grins brightly before making his way to the bath and sitting on the edge of it to look down on you. He dangled one hand into the lukewarm water and smirked as his fingertips brushed your thigh, causing you to  shiver in the water and send ripples through the bath.

"Y/N, before I do anything, I want to ask your permission because you're drunk. Can I get in the bath with you?" Hoseok grumbles softly as he continues to run his fingers over the soft skin of your thigh. You look up to Hoseok, your eyelids feeling slightly heavy as his electric touch awakens a lustful feeling within your core, before nodding slowly.  He smirks happily before standing and quickly stripping off while you move forwards in the bath so he can sit behind you.

"I don't think that bath is by enough for the two of us." You smile softly as Hoseok slides into the bath behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. He chuckles deeply into your ear before beginning to kiss your neck, deeply and slowly. A small gasp escapes your lips as his hand travels downwards from your stomach to your opening while he began to suck on your neck, leaving many big, heavy hickeys.

"May I?" Hoseok whispers sexily into your ear as he pauses his hand on your hip and stops his kisses. You let out a small, shaky breath before nodding and giving Hoseok the word. He smirks deeply before latching onto your neck once more and instantly diving his fingers deeply into you.

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