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You release a heavy sigh of relief as you lean against the counter of the store. The woman behind it scans the dress and your father pays for it hurriedly via card. She then lightly folds it into an intricately pattered box and hands it to you. You smile politely at her before you rush towards the exit of the store with your much slower father in tow.

The two of you scurry out to the car and make your way back to the dreaded house you lived in with your parents. You sigh softly as the darkening streets pass you by in long blurs of colour once more. You mindlessly play with the silk bow that was wrapped around the large box as you stare out at the unfocused world.

The drive seems never ending until you are suddenly parked up at the house. You blink slowly, coming out of your half-daydream like state and seeing the world for what it really was. Cold and dull.

You grip the box tight as you exit the warm safety of the car and rush towards the hopefully warm house. You're not disappointed as a wave of warm air hits you the second you open the door.

"Hurry and close that damned door!" Your mother cries from somewhere in the house. You usher your slow father in and slam the door closed so she can hear it closing. As if the sound of the door summons her, your mother appears in a posh dress at the doorway of the main room.

"Hurry and get changed, dear." Your father claps your back lightly and gives you a small push towards the doorway. You glance back at him quickly before you drag yourself past your uptight mother and up the stairs.

The pale pink dress hugs your figure in every place, showing off your curves to the whole world. Gems rain down from the sleeveless bust and twinkle in the dim light of your bedroom. The silk trail that pours from the top of the skirt glimmers softly and rushes through your fingers like sand as you fiddle to adjust it.

As you stare at your reflection, you sigh deeply. You don't recognise yourself. This woman with curled hair, plastered makeup and an expensive dress was foreign to you. A heavy knock sounds at the door as your mother attempts to break it down.

"We need to go! Hurry up!" She squawks through the wooden barrier that held between the two of you. You adjust your hair before slipping your feet into a dainty pair of glimmering, white high heels.

Not really winter weather at all.

You slip on a fluffy white jacket and wobble toward the door, struggling to find your balance on the soft carpet of your room.

Just before your mother knocked again and destroyed the door, you swing it open and smile softly at her. She scrutinises you from head to toe before allowing her lips to curl into what you assumed was a smile.

"Perfect. Now hurry into the car. It's waiting outside." Your mother commands, rushing ahead of you down the hall. You gulp and grip the skirt of your dress, afraid of tripping and follow her quickly.

Sitting on the street before your simple house was a long, black limousine. Your eyes widen as a young man climbs out and opens the door for you to slide into. You hold your dress tight as you slip into the expensive interior of the large vehicle. Your parents follow suit immediately and the doors are closed by the young man. The black snake then begins to grumble down the street quickly. You glance to your side but your vision is blocked by the heavily tinted windows. Ahead of you, another tinted window separates the driver from the passengers.

You felt trapped.

You shuffle uncomfortably on the solid leather seat and gulp as your hands begin to sweat profusely. You cautiously wipe the sweat on your pricey dress, being careful that your mother doesn't see.

After a long silent drive, the limousine finally comes to a halt. The young boy once again opens the door and you step out in front of a humongous mansion. Every inch of it glimmers as if it was coated in diamonds. The white of the snow seemed so much purer then in the city as it sits proudly against the grey marble of the magnificent house.

The front door opens quickly and an older man stands politely in the doorway. The Butler beckons you and your parents indoors and out of the freezing winter night. You answer to his calls and rush indoors, making sure not to slip in your heels.

"Please follow me to the dining room." The butler speaks in a posh voice as he closes the large door and pushes himself further into the delicately built house. You glance at your parents quickly before the three of you silently follow the man towards another set of large doors. The doors swing open to reveal a large expanse of table where three other people sat.

They dressed expensively and sat proudly. At the head of the table was a thin, elderly man who held himself up extremely straight. He wore a tight suit that looked like it was made from pure silk. To his left was a younger woman who wore an elegant dress and sat up straight. On the right of the man was a young man who was slouched in his seat.

You squint your eyes at the younger man as your brain screams that he was familiar. You couldn't quite tell from this angle but something about his excruciatingly sharp jawline called out familiarity.

"Ah, your here. I assume that you are Y/N. This is my son, Jung Hoseok." The older man stands proudly with a large smile as gestures to the slouching boy.

Your eyes widen at the mention of the name and your throat tightens. Your husband was going to be Jung Hoseok? As in, Hoseok? The most allegeable bachelor in Seoul that every girl swooned over. The biggest playboy around? Yep, that was him.

The boy slowly turns to you and your eyes lock with the brown diamonds that shone with devilish beauty.

Oh no.

Not only were you getting married to the Jung Hoseok, but he was also the man you walked straight into because you were daydreaming. There was no way this was ever going to work out.


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