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Ring ring.

Ring ring.

Ring ring.

"Peanut, pick up your phone."
Hoseok growls grumpily as he wraps his arms around your waist tighter an shuffled around on top of you. You groan deeply as you reach over him to grab your phone and check who was calling you at this time of the morning. Hoseok had decided to come and sleep on top of you after his bath and insisted you stayed on the couch with him. Once you finally managed to reach your phone, you answer without bothering to see the caller ID.

"Hello? Who is this?" You mumble sleepily as you rub your eyes and look down at Hoseok who's eyes were drifting open and closed every moment or so, his beautiful eyelashes flickering softly as they did so. You smile softly as you brush some hair off his face and he growls at you to 'get off'.

"Hello, is Mr Jung Hoseok there?" A high-pitched woman replies on the other side of the phone. You frown deeply and check the number quickly before frowning more because you didn't recognise it.

"Yes, he's here." You hum deeply before thrusting the phone at Hoseok to wake him up. He groans and slowly sits up as he takes the phone from you and presses it to his ear. "Who is it?" You whisper as he yawns into the phone and then shrugs at you grumpily.

"Oh, I see. Okay. I'll be right there." Hoseok mumbles deeply, his face dropping quickly. You frown even more as you watch him slowly hang up before pushing himself up from the couch. "My moms in hospital. She got ill again and my dad is in America so I have to go and care for her." Hoseok whispers softly as he shuffles off towards the stairs.

"I can come and help you look after her. I'm good with looking after people." You smile encouragingly as you follow Hoseok slowly up the stairs. He sighs deeply and stops on the stairs before turning to face you slowly.

"I don't want to drag you into this. This is a family thing." Hoseok grumbles softly as he refuses to look at you. You frown at him as your smile quickly fades and he turns to continue up the stairs. You quickly grab his hand to stop him going up the stairs and he grunts angrily. "Y/N, I said-"

"I know what you said and I don't understand. I'm family. I've become part of your family now, haven't I?" You interrupt him quickly with a shaky voice as he pulls his hand away from yours. Hoseok leans on the stair bannister and shakes his head slowly.

"No, you're not. You aren't until we get married and we aren't married yet. So please just move and let me go tend to my mother. This isn't your business." Hoseok replies coldly as he stomps off up the stairs. Your eyes tear up and you quickly follow him up the stairs, not understanding why he won't let you help.

"Hoseok, please just let me help you. You can't do it on your own. Your problems are my problems. That's how relationships and engagements and marriages work." You whimper as you follow him to your door. Hoseok puts his hand on the door handle and sighs deeply before turning around to face you with a blank expression.

"Well if that's what a relationship and marriage is, I don't want it. I want you to leave if it means that you won't get dragged into my family's issues." Hoseok replies slowly as he refuses to make eye contact with you. Your mouth opens slightly and your heart shatters as the tears finally begin to fall.

"I don't understand. Why can't you just let me help? I'm here for you, Hobi." You sob as you reach out to hold Hoseok's hand. He watches you before slowly pulling his hand away and shaking his head.

"I don't want you to be here for me. Please just go home or go somewhere else. The marriage is off. I need to look after my mom. Please respect that, Y/N." Hoseok whispers with a shaky voice as he turns to his bedroom and opens the door. You watch him close his door with your hand still outstretched for him and feel your heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

A hundred feelings.

A hundred memories.

A hundred wishes.

A thousand pieces and he just swept them all under the carpet.

"Okay, fine. I'll leave." You whisper to no one as you wipe the streaming tears from your face and shuffle into your room to pack some things. Hoseok closes his eyes tightly as he leans against the door and listens to you move around and gather your things. Once the door slams closed and he knows you left, Hoseok slides down the door and sobs into his hands.

"What did I do?"

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