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Hoseok wipes his tears with the back of his hand roughly as he lets out a long breath and tries to calm himself. He slowly reaches into his pocket for his phone and pulls himself from the floor to start packing a bag. Tears still filling his eyes, he dials a number and gulps to hold them back as he begins to slowly throw some clothes into a small bag.

"Hey, Hoseok. What's up?" Yoongi answers almost immediately with his usual grumpy voice. Hoseok takes a deep breath before slowly sitting on the bed and rubbing his eyes. "Has something happened?" Yoongi asks quickly into the phone as Hoseok continues to sit in silence for a long time.

"It's my mom, Yoongi. It happened again and Y/N wanted to help, so I yelled at her and told her to leave. She's not gonna want to see me and I just-" Hoseok explains quickly, his voice shaking more and more until it finally broke and a tear rolled down his cheek. "I need you to just look after her and keep her away for a while. I don't mind if you even hit it off with her, Yoongi. I just need her to be okay and not thinking about me for a while- for her own sake. Please. You can do that do that, can't you Hyung?" Hoseok sobs softly down the phone to Yoongi who stayed silent and listened to him.

"Of course. I'll do anything you want, Hobi. I'll be over in a little while, okay?" Yoongi agrees softly, his tone different to usual and full of compassion for the younger. Hoseok sniffles with a small smile and nods as he stares at his door and prays for you to come back in. "Hold on for a bit, look after your mom and we can fix it when she's better. It won't be too long right? When is your dad back?" Yoongi asks gently as he listens to Hoseok's small sniffles.

"In a couple of days I think. You're okay to look after her for that time, right? If your not then send her to Tae and Jimin, she'll be fine there." Hoseok mumbles softly as he wipes his face again and lets out a long breath. Yoongi chuckles slightly through the phone as Hoseok stands and zips up his bag.

"You want me to send your fiancé to the two biggest gays in Korea? I don't think you'll ever see her again." Yoongi jokes deeply to Hoseok who returns a small laugh. "Don't worry, I can look after her." Yoongi adds assuringly which causes Hoseok to sigh softly.

"Please just come get her soon. It looks cold out there. Text me when she's sleeping or something please." Hoseok mumbles quickly as he slings the bag over his shoulder and slowly shuffles out of his room. Yoongi hums a quick 'okay' before hanging up the phone and leaving Hoseok to the silence of the house. He lets out a small sigh as he slips the phone into his pocket and creeps down the stairs, towards the front door. He sniffles softly as he looks out of the window and watches how the snow gently lands on you, bringing more tears to his eyes.


"What does he want while I'm watching my show?!" Yoongi exclaims as his phone starts to ring loudly, interrupting the tense show you were both glued to. He quickly pauses the show as you look down at his phone as spot the contact name: 'TaeTae'. You giggle softly as he picks up the phone and puts it on speaker before putting a finger to his lips and smiling.

"Hiiiiii Yoongi~" Jimin's bright voice sings down the phone, closely followed by Taehyung's deep chuckle. Yoongi rolls his eyes and lets out a long groan which was obviously a custom for him whenever Taehyung and Jimin called. You put your hand over your mouth to stop your laughter as you look at Yoongi pulling faces at the phone.

"What do you two princesses want?" Yoongi grumbles in his usual flat tone, a huge grin plastered on his face. You hold back your laughter as he holds up a finger to you and mouths the words: 'club outing' as he rolled his eyes.

"We want you to come out to the club with us. We still have to find you someone, Yoongles." Taehyung replies deeply through the phone which made his voice twice as deep. Yoongi nods knowingly and proudly as if he predicted the future before looking over at you with a grin.

"I actually have a guest tonight. I'll only come if they do." Yoongi announces as he raises an eyebrow at you expectantly. Taehyung and Jimin suddenly screech excitedly through the phone, forcing you and Yoongi to cover your ears to protect yourself. "We won't come if you do that all night!" Yoongi yells over the loud noises that the two were making which ceased almost immediately.

"Okay, okay. Who is it, hyung? Is it a boy? Is he handsome?" Jimin exclaims brightly through the phone before the sound of a soft slap follows. "Ow, Tae don't do that." Jimin whines softly as Yoongi exhales deeply and rubs his eyes. You continue to hold back laughter, your eyes now watering as Yoongi shakes his head slowly.

"No, Jimin. It's Y/N. She had a fall out with Hoseok and I'm looking after her for a bit." Yoongi replies slowly as he smiles softly at you. You remove your hand and let out a couple of small giggles that you were holding in. Taehyung lets out a long 'oh' before chuckling deeply while Jimin giggles.

"Well we will be there in about an hour. Get ready to party!" Taehyung exclaims happily before cutting off the call. Yoongi lets out a long sigh before shaking his head and laughing. You laugh softly back and look down at the phone with a small frown.

"Well, that's my plan to finish this season over then." Yoongi whines as he slumps back on the couch before laughing lightly. "You better go get ready, dear." He smiles at you as he gently kicks your shin to get you moving. You stick your tongue out at him and heave yourself up from the couch to go get changed, grabbing your bag on the way.

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