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You couldn't tell them that you already knew it, there was no way in hell that you'd ever be able to do that. Quite frankly, it might just destroy the two boys. Hyunu seemed strong but one look in his eyes told you otherwise as they held back tears whereas Hoseok couldn't contain it. You gnaw on your lip as you contemplate how to react, staring down at the floor as you scan your mind for answers.

"You don't have to say anything. Just go to him and comfort him, please. I hate to see my little brother like this." Hyunu suddenly spoke, his voice breaking slightly as he looked over at Hoseok. You nod slowly before shooting him a small, apologetic smile and moving quietly into the main room where Hoseok was sitting motionless on the floor.

"Hobi, I'm so sorry." You whisper softly as you kneel next to him and hold your arms out to him. Hoseok scans your face for a moment before leaning forwards and allowing you to wrap him up in your embrace. "You don't deserve this, neither of you do." You mumble softly as you hold onto him tightly and look towards his brother who bit his lip to hold back tears.

"I should've gone to her when I found out she was ill again. Why didn't I just go when I said I would? I hate myself for not being there, Y/N. I hate myself." Hoseok growls into your chest as tears slowly fall down his cheeks. You sigh softly as you tighten your grip and feel him sob suddenly, breaking your heart as a small cry comes from him.

"Hobi, it's not your fault. You had to fix things with Y/N first. You couldn't just leave her after the argument." Hyunu expresses quickly as he moves towards the two of you, his eyes glimmering with tears. Hoseok sniffles suddenly and pulls out of your arms with a tear-stained face. "I know how you feel-felt about mom's illness so no one will blame you for not being there." He continued as he placed a hand on Hoseok's shoulder reassuringly.

"If I was there, would she have lived?" Hoseok whispered as he slowly looked up to his older brother as yet more tears found their way down his reddened cheeks. Hyunu searched his face for a moment before he shed his own tears and shook his head.

"She was ill for a while and never said anything. The only reason we were called is because it got bad suddenly. There was no way she would survive, with or without you there." Hyunu sobs softly as he grips Hoseok's shoulder, the two breaking in synchronisation. You feel your heart shatter as Hoseok dives into his brothers arms and the two cling to each other with destroyed feelings.

"I-I'm so, so sorry. I wish there was something that I could do for you." You stutter softly, not raising your voice too loud as you didn't want to break the moment. Hyunu shakes his head softly again and smiles a small pained grimace at you as Hoseok slowly pulls away.

"I think I want to stay with Hyunu-hyung for a while. I-I don't think you should be around while we grieve so..." Hoseok whispers softly as he refuses to face you and stares at the floor. Your heart clenches and breaks that little bit more at those words which causes your eyes to fill with tears.

"Yeah, whatever you need. I can wait here until you're ready, Hobi." You reply reluctantly, your voice breaking as you do so. Hoseok suddenly looks your way and you see his eyes go that little bit duller at seeing you hurt before he pulls you into a tight hug.

"I love you so much, I really do. I just don't think that you'd be able to cope seeing me like this. I know I won't be myself for a while so I want to go away and make sure I come back the way I was." Hoseok cried softly as he hides his face in your neck as he holds your waist tightly. You could only nod as a single tear streamed down your face; you weren't sad really, you just felt numb. Why didn't you feel anything?

"Do you want me to go and pack some of your things, Hobi?" Hyunu offers softly as he gently ruffled Hoseok's hair with a small smile. Hoseok nods and ever so slowly pulls away as his brother shuffles off up the stairs. You look down instantly as Hoseok looks into your eyes and bite your lip.

"You can go and see the other guys while I'm gone if you want- but only as friends. I won't be gone long but if I find out any of them tried anything then I will kill them. Just don't shut yourself away and get ill." Hoseok mumble softly as he takes your face in his hands and lifts it so you were looking directly at him.

"But that's what you're doing. Your going and hiding and shutting me out." You whimper softly as you look into his eyes, trying to find some sort of regret in his actions. Of course, he was set in his ways now.

"I'm not, Y/N. I'm only going away so you don't see me change. You won't like it so please just be strong while I'm gone. I'll call you if I can." Hoseok replies, shaking his head as he stares deeply into your eyes. You could only nod a response, still feeling nothing.

"Are you ready to go, Hobi? It's getting dark and I think it was supposed to snow again tonight." Hyunu returned with a couple of duffel bags full of Hoseok's things. Hoseok sighs before nodding and kissing you deeply on the lips.

"I love you, Peanut." Hoseok whispered as he planted a couple of quick kisses to your forehead and lips before Hyunu carefully helped him up and the two left without another word, leaving you sitting in the centre of the room alone.

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